Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Envisioning the Likud and the other extremist Israeli parties’ ideal plan for resolving their conflict with the Palestinians is not difficult, but is most certainly terrifying. In short, lock all the Palestinians up and throw away the key! Imagining the practicalities needed to achieve this goal might lead some to venture into the realm of science fiction, and then have the natural inclination to discard the possibility of actual implementation.

Horrifically, Israel is already in the midst of this plan, which has been kept under wraps by instigating violence and proposing countless ‘peace’ plans intended to never see the light of day, as the Wall continues to rapidly encircle the West Bank. Once the wall is completed, the West Bank will become a prison akin to Gaza today.

Not satisfied by this draconian measure alone, Israel plans to keep the imprisoned Palestinian population in line by the usage of remote-controlled machines. The giant Caterpillar D-9 bulldozer, used by the Israeli military to destroy Palestinian homes in the West Bank and Gaza, has already been modified to include a remote-control feature. Moreover, Israel has a remote-control version of the Humvee, equipped with machine guns, and is already using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones. All three machines are US-made, with modifications by the Israeli army and the Israeli Technion Institute of Technology.

Israel has been a pioneer in unmanned weapons systems for nearly three decades, aided by billions of US dollars each year. The Israeli military developed one of the first remote-controlled planes and more recently creating remote controlled machine guns and grenade launchers equipped with cameras, enabling their operators to administrate lethal force without being present at the site.

Effectively, Palestinians will be trapped in what is already one of the most densely populated areas in the world and reduced to targets similar to those in computer games, with their life at the absolute mercy of a soldier operating a remote-control.

Once Israel fully achieves this feat, it will no longer need to negotiate; its oppression will be insurmountable. One would imagine they would further restrict the media from entering the West Bank and Gaza in a bid to force the world to forget about the plight of the Palestinians. The Likud and the other extremist Israeli parties would simply have nothing to do, but to sit back and wait for the Palestinians to perish.

As both Sharon and his Deputy Prime Minister Olmert talk of unilateral moves, if the dying peace plans fail, this seemingly surreal plan continues inching closer to reality. The Separation Wall is not only a threat because of the de facto borders it is establishing, its threat is far deeper and alarming: it is creating a virtual prison whose inmates are comprised of an entire people soon to be fully controlled by machines.

Unless the international community moves away from mere rhetoric and acts quickly, this emerging reality will go down in history as a failure of humanity.

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