Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Sometimes the worst kind of prison is the one you have to wake up to everyday. The Israeli occupation forces are turning Palestinian towns and villages into virtual prisons. Innocent Palestinian civilians are being treated as criminals and 'terrorists' by the Israeli army and are having their fundamental rights stripped away from them. The Israelis seem to adopt a policy of 'guilty until proven innocent', with most of the time shooting to kill before even determining the supposed guilt of the Palestinian victims. While all these Israeli violations of international law continue, the US government seems to think it is the Palestinians who are causing terror and disrupting the lives of Israeli citizens. Recently, President Bush blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict solely on the Palestinians, while failing to mention any of the injustices the Israelis have committed against the Palestinian people.

On August 28, 2001, Israel occupied Beit Jala in the West Bank as Israeli troops with armored vehicles and bulldozers drove into Virgin Mary Street supported by helicopters and turned the town into a maximum-security prison. The Israeli occupation forces surrounded the area with barbed wire and erected military watchtowers. They then went on to seize ten buildings and rooftops, among them a compound, consisting of a five storey hostel and an orphanage, owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Chile Girl's school, a community center and private homes such as Bashir Kharoufeh's house.

The Israeli army used these buildings as bases, where they set up heavy machine guns. In the Lutheran compound the Israeli army placed sandbags covered in camouflaged netting on the windows and took the keys to the church at gunpoint from Khaled Musalem, director of the orphanage. The 45 children, ages ranging from 6-17 years old, living in the orphanage were forced to spend most of their time in the basement laundry room. Khaled Musalem reported that the Israeli army used the children as human shields, since such an act would deter the Palestinians from shooting at them.

With regards to Bashir Kharoufeh's house it was completely toiled from inside out as 30 soldiers took it over. The Israeli soldiers camped out on the floor and used the family's beds and bathroom, leaving them in a disgusting state. Coffee was spilled all over the sitting room and the house was littered with army canteens, half-eaten tins of corn and olives and Hebrew newspapers. Kharoufeh's back door was wrecked as the soldiers smashed the glass panes to forcibly enter the house, potted plants were destroyed and dining chairs were ruined by Israeli soldiers who used them while looking out of the sandbagged windows. The soldiers pulled out the phones leaving the family isolated from the world, as their private property was no longer in their possession. They were imprisoned by the Israeli army in a single room in the house and allowed only the occasional visit to the bathroom or kitchen. This was how Bashir Kharoufeh, his Spanish wife and a neighbor, along with those in the exact situation, spent 50 hours. Others were forced to stay indoors as Israeli soldiers shot in the air and pounded on doors, ordering a round the clock curfew on the residents of Beit Jala.

The Israeli occupation forces then went to work as they razed eight houses using armored bulldozers. Ten tanks as well as other armored vehicles strolled through the streets of Beit Jala, driving over parked cars, as they destroyed the town's roads with the scratches left by the tanks. The Israeli troops pointed their guns threateningly at anyone who came close. Then they started breaking down doors, and snapping locks looking for Palestinian gunmen. They also cut the electricity, causing a blackout.

When they finally withdrew, as a result of intense pressure from the international community, Beit Jala was left in a state of rubble. Many buildings were torn down or severely damaged from shelling, parked cars were crushed and trees uprooted. To the Israeli occupation forces this was all in a couple of days work, as they looked forward to returning to their clean and safe houses after the withdrawal.

The incursion on Beit Jala was of particular significance as it was the longest, but such actions are common practice for the Israeli occupation forces that have reoccupied many Palestinian areas, which they had given up in the 1993 Oslo Accords. During these incursions the towns and villages are turned into prisons, with lights out at certain hours, no phone line so in effect no phone privileges, the residents are imprisoned in their houses, unless they are in a particularly strategic part, in which case, they are imprisoned in a single room (cell). Should any one dare to escape the prison, there are military watchtowers with Israeli soldiers ready to shoot and kill the escaping 'convicts', who have committed no crime other than wanting to survive and get on with their lives.

As Israel continues to use excessive force against Palestinian civilians and militia alike, assassinate Palestinian political activists, raze houses, cut off water and electricity, restrict Palestinian movement and humiliate Palestinian civilians at checkpoints under the defense of 'security' for Israel, the US continues to find the Palestinians responsible and the Israelis vindicated for carrying out these actions. The other Western countries seem to turn a blind eye most of the time to Israeli violations of the Palestinian people as well as international law. One can only hope that in the wake of the World Conference Against Racism and the new declaration by more than 3000 non-governmental agencies that Israel is an 'apartheid state', the US, which sent only a junior official to the conference, will realize that they are blaming the oppressed rather than the oppressor. Unfortunately, such a hope is wishful thinking and will sadly remain unrealized as America continues to be fully committed to its strong alliance with Israel.

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