Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Three months after his maiden voyage to the United States, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, will once again arrive in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, June 26th with a very clear agenda aimed at strengthening US support for Israel in light of the current ceasefire, and ongoing conflict. As of yet, the Bush administration’s unwavering allegiance to Sharon has left many questions unanswered concerning Sharon’s past actions and his current policies as Israel’s Prime Minister.

Below are some questions that should be addressed by Sharon before he receives any pledge of increased support for his government. Based on his answers, or lack thereof, perhaps the US in particular would find the time appropriate to reevaluate its relationship with Ariel Sharon, and the country that he represents.

1) Mr. Prime Minister: The final recommendations of the Mitchell Committee clearly state that, in the interest of peace, Israel should immediately halt all settlement construction, including what your government has dubbed “natural growth.” You accuse the Palestinians of not holding up their end of the bargain as defined by the Mitchell Report, yet you have refused to halt settlement expansion even though these have been focal points for clashes with Palestinians ­– not to mention that all settlements are illegal under the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention. How do you defend your defiance of both international law, and the US-backed Mitchell Report by continuing to expand Jewish settlements on Palestinian land?

2) Mr. Prime Minister: When you succeeded Ehud Barak as Prime Minister of Israel earlier this year, you were elected on a platform of “security and peace” (based on a policy of militarism and suppression). You promised the citizens of Israel security in exchange for harsher policies of military aggression towards Palestinians. In effect, by repeatedly sealing off the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, demolishing Palestinian homes without provocation, carrying out political assassinations and extra judicial killings based on your own unverified sources, and brutally clamping down on peaceful demonstrations (resulting in huge losses of life), you have been collectively punishing the Palestinian people, and only further aggravating the cycle of violence. As these offensive tactics have not even provided security for your own people, can you still claim your militaristic policies are in the best interest of peace in the region?

3) Mr. Prime Minister: As you are most certainly aware, Israel is in violation of the United States’ Arms Exports Control Act since your government has used American-made F-16 fighter jets in offensive strikes targeting Palestinian civilian population areas. In light of the fact that you have recently ordered 50 more F-16’s from the United States, how would you explain your Defense Minister’s statements that these offensive aircraft will be used to take “far-reaching risks for peace?”

4) Mr. Prime Minister: BBC PANORAMA recently aired a program entitled “The Accused,” which explores the events surrounding the 1982 massacres of more than 1,500 Palestinian men, women, and children in Beirut’s Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. An independent Israeli commission found you “indirectly responsible” for the massacres. Under international law, the senior military commander in full control of an occupied city is responsible for the lives of its citizens. As Israel’s Defense Minister at the time, you were responsible for the citizens of Sabra and Shatila. In fact, in “The Accused” both Princeton International Law Professor Richard Falk and US Special Envoy to the Middle East (1982) Morris Draper clearly state that there is no doubt that you, Ariel Sharon, are indictable as a war criminal. How do you respond to these charges?

We can only hope that these questions will be addressed sooner rather than later by Mr. Sharon, so that the United States can have a proper basis for its reevaluation of US-Israeli relations.

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