Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

In the wake of significant Israeli military escalation against the Palestinians, namely last week’s employment of F16 fighter jets, the final recommendations of the Sharm Al-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee (Mitchell Committee) attracted world attention as a possible “magic” formula for ending eight months of violence.

Yet clearly, the Mitchell Committee’s report merely managed to touch the surface of deeply rooted Palestinian-Israeli hostilities. By urging both Israelis AND Palestinians to immediately implement a “cease fire” and resume security cooperation, the Committee inaccurately portrays the ongoing conflict as war between two symmetrical powers. This assessment stands far from reality; the Intifada (uprising) is a popular Palestinian expression of protest against illegal Israeli occupation (backed up by unmatched military superiority). The magic word here is ‘occupation’.

In dealing with the effects, rather than the causes, of the conflict, the Mitchell Committee only offers partial handling of the ongoing conflict. Further steps of initiative and implementation are required.

Most importantly, Israel must make a commitment to adopt the recommendations as a ‘whole’. Any attempt to place conditions on an already minimal formula for ending the violence will fuel the momentum of the conflict. Any attempt to overstep the underlying causes of conflict will only give way to further bloodshed and suffering.

The Sharon government has already rejected a key recommendation by the Mitchell Committee, Israeli cessation of all settlement activity on occupied Palestinian territory. “Israel will not be terrorized into submission” seems to be the illusion exported by Sharon to both his people as well as the United States. For the Palestinians, this rejection undermines any possibility for peace; an end to illegal settlement activity is an imperative for peace.

The coming weeks, or perhaps months, will almost certainly bring winds of change, either to the worse or to the better. Until the Israeli government realizes the necessity in ending the occupation, the former seems predominant.

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