Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Racism towards Palestinians has always been a prevalent force in Israeli society, but more worryingly has been the fact that it trickles down from the upper echelons of Israel’s leadership. While Israel used to be at pains to disguise the shameful ideologies it espouses, fearing an international backlash, a growing combination of arrogance and defiance has seen outright racist remarks regularly surfacing.

Today, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, Ze’ev Boim, speaking at a memorial ceremony openly pondered, "What is it about Islam as a whole and the Palestinians in particular? Is it some form of cultural deprivation? Is it some genetic defect. There is something that defies explanation in this continued murderousness."

Boim’s remark that Palestinians suffer from a genetic defect that makes them prone to violence is reminiscent of attitudes held during the apartheid regime in South Africa. Yet, this implicit example of xenophobia was not merely digested with terrifying ease; it was supported by others in Sharon’s Likud party, such as Israeli MP Yehiel Hazan, who opined that violence is "imprinted in their [Palestinians] blood. It's something genetic. I haven't done research, but there's no possibility of explaining it differently. Don't believe an Arab, even one who has been in the grave for 40 years."

Boim’s remark joins equally despicable remarks by members of Sharon’s extremist government. For example, Israeli Transportation Minister and head of the National Union party Avigdor Leiberman has suggested that he “can provide buses to transfer Palestinian prisoners to where no one can find them,” adding, in response to joining the governmental prisoners release committee, that he would “prefer to drown them all in the Dead Sea.” Moreover, the Israeli Chief of Staff, Moshe Ya'alon, has termed the Palestinian threat a "cancerous" one that requires "chemotherapy," a characterization subsequently endorsed by Ariel Sharon.

While Israel continues to assert that certain Palestinian groups “aim to destroy Israel,” none of whom belong to the Palestinian National Authority or are official representatives of the Palestinian people, it seems oblivious to that fact that Sharon’s coalition government is comprised of the ultra-racist National Union party, which currently has seven seats in the government.

The National Union party, which is an alliance of the Moledet, Tekuma and Yisrael Beitenu parties, openly calls for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. In fact, Moledet, which is led by Israel’s Minister of Tourism, Benny Elon, claims total ethnic cleansing offers a "solution" to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that is both "practical" and "moral," and campaigned in February, 2002, with the slogans "Expel the Arabs!" and "Kahane was right."

Alarmingly, in a March 2002 poll administered by Tel Aviv University, 46 percent of Israeli Jews supported the transfer of Palestinians from the West Bank and 31 percent advocated the same treatment for Palestinian citizens of Israel; 60 percent said they supported "encouraging" Palestinian Israelis to leave Israel; and a full 80 percent objected to the inclusion of Palestinian Israelis in decisions of national importance.

These terrifying statements, made with such blatant openness, by top Israeli ministers currently serving in Sharon’s government coupled with the accelerated construction of the separation wall seem to be placing Israel on a path of becoming an established racist state.

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