Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The extra-judicial killing of Sheikh Yassin on Monday has been overshadowing the week since, at least in the press. The importance and the ramifications of that assassination more than justifies the scrutiny and debate it has triggered, and it is a good sign that it has not been dismissed as quickly as Israeli officials might have liked.

The typical quest for sensational news by the press should not however succeed in overlooking other important, though less sensational, news, such as the trial of the Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights, Rabbi Arik Ascherman.

Rabbi Ascherman, who is on trial in Jerusalem for trying to prevent the demolition of two Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem, appeared together with two other codefendants for their second session this Wednesday.

The protest, which the rabbi calls an act of civil disobedience over an `unjust and immoral Israeli policy,' could result in a three year jail sentence.

Rabbi Ascherman reported that at the scene of one demolition, “the families were hysterical. The grandmother was wailing while the father of the family was clutching at his heart and others were begging us to do something. It was simply heartbreaking… we watched helplessly as the pneumatic drills tore into the home. To officer after officer I read off chapter and verse from the various international conventions which Israel is a party to. Commanders ordered their people not to listen or take the paper.” The two demolitions that took place left two large extended families homeless within a matter of minutes.

The 100 or so members of Rabbis for Human Rights try to promote human rights from a Jewish religious perspective. They are chiefly engaged in non-violent protest against home demolitions and the rebuilding of demolished homes, the provision of humanitarian aid to besieged Palestinian villagers, and the mobilization of rabbis and supporters in Israel and around the world to petition Israeli officials regarding human rights abuses.

The rabbis also help bring human rights issues to the Israeli Supreme Court. This time, however, their zealous efforts to defend people’s basic right to a home has made them the subject of Israeli court proceedings.

The presiding judge rejected the defendants’ defense that protesting home demolitions is legitimate given that the policy of home demolition is an unjust and discriminatory policy, which prevents Palestinian residents of east Jerusalem, who cannot attain permits, from building homes legally.

While the rabbis’ actions might be technically illegal according to the narrow interpretations of Israeli law, the effective Israeli policy is certainly illegal according to international law, not to mention unjust.

The Israeli Or Commission clearly concluded that it is not possible to understand the policy of so called “illegal” building and demolitions outside the context of the discriminatory land policies directed against both Palestinians and Israeli Arabs.

It should be noted that the homes that were demolished were not demolished for any security reasons, as none of the people in these homes engaged in activities defined as illegal by Israel.

B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, reports that since 1987, literally thousands of homes have been built for Jews in these same areas, many receiving permits retroactively. Since 1987, 2,500 Palestinian homes in the West Bank and in east Jerusalem have been demolished for administrative reasons leaving more than 16,000 Palestinians homeless.

Since 1987, the Israeli authorities have "administratively" demolished at least 2,500 Palestinian homes in the West Bank (including east Jerusalem), and hundreds of other structures.

However, none of these points seem to have made an impression on the judge and the next hearing scheduled on September 14th, 2004, will unlikely see a turn in the judiciary’ s common evasion of examining the core of the matter.

As Israeli courts seem unwilling to tackle the core issue, the burden falls even stronger on the Israeli society to examine the human and moral implications of such a home demolition policy. The quiescence to this and other similar policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of the society behind them.

Rabbis for Human Rights

Rabbis for Human Rights – North America

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