Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Bush’ departure from decades of American policy in the Middle East on major issues such as the 1949 armistice lines and the return of Palestinian refugees, coupled with Sharon’s disengagement plan, which lies outside any road map, has irrefutably put an end to the Oslo era.

The fact that the US administration did not deem it necessary to ensure Palestinian participation in a process that concerns their future, and the ease with which the US President “relinquished” inalienable Palestinian rights, together with its all too common indulgence of Israeli requests can only be described as unbecoming of any serious administration and an obvious disqualification of the US as an objective and reliable mediator.

The disengagement plan, which unlike its name suggests does not actually mean the end of Israeli military control of Gaza, will leave Gazans in the same “prison” they have been dwelling in since ’67, with the exception that the evacuation of the 7500 settlers will make it easier and less expensive for Israel to maintain its control over it.

The miserable living conditions in Gaza will prospectively be aggravated even further as Israel will continue its hermetic seal over the area, controlling all entry and exit ports and restricting all interaction between Gaza and the rest of the world, effectively besieging it. With Israel “reserving” the right to conduct military operations in Gaza as it deems appropriate, the death toll in Gaza will undoubtedly continue to rise.

That such a disengagement plan should be perceived by President George Bush as a positive step towards reactivating the peace process is startling, and that he should herald Sharon as a courageous leader for it, and expect, as he put it, the world to thank Sharon for this “bold” and “historic” step is offending to the people that have to endure it.

The pervasive feeling among Palestinians of having been let down by the international community can only be remedied through a potent third party intervention. Only the Quartet’s re-activation of its role beyond diplomatic showcasing will do. An international temporary custodian ship of Gaza together with the deployment of an international force that can provide protection from Israel, could allow for this “disengagement plan” to become part of a larger effort to end the resurgence of hostilities and the restoration of a peace process.

Should the disengagement plan proceed as envisioned however, the prospect of a viable and independent Palestinian state will have been replaced by Sharon's vision of an apartheid-like state. With the political efforts to reach a peaceful settlement at that stage having been proven futile, the return of armed struggle as a means of liberation will for many strike as the only dependable path to attain statehood.

President Bush not only pre-empted the outcome of future negotiations on April 14th, 2004, when he said that the great change in realities on the ground and in the region should be reflected in any final peace deal but, in effect, also rewarded Israel with a “legitimization” for its expropriation and settlement policy in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, in direct contravention of international law.

The president in essence also confirmed, though unwittingly, the convictions of a growing number of people in this region, that force not justice dictates the future of this region.

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