Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

What is the Palestine question? What are the main causes of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? And what issues must be tackled in order to put a definite end to this conflict?

If we answer each of these questions accurately and objectively, we will realise that Barak’s infamous ‘red lines’ (otherwise known as the “Four No’s”) are invalid, unfair and even ridiculous.

The major causes of the conflict are these: Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land both in 1948 and 1967; Israel’s mass expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 (with the result that there are now over 4,500,000 Palestinian refugees scattered across the world); Israel’s construction of more than 200 Jewish settlements in the illegally-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip at the expense of Palestinian land, Israel’s illegal annexation of Jerusalem; its unilateral declaration of the city as its “eternal and undivided capital,” and finally, Israel’s daily violations of the most basic of Palestinian rights as defined by international law and the principles of democracy and human rights.

Barak’s ‘red lines’ are these: ‘No’ to the return of 1967 borders (in other words, “No to UN Resolution 242”), ‘No’ to the return of Palestinian refugees (“No to UN Resolution 194”), ‘No’ to any Palestinian control over east Jerusalem (“No to UN Resolution 242 and 181”), and ‘No’ to the dismantlement of Jewish settlements built on the Occupied Palestinian Territories (“No to the 4th Geneva Convention and UN Resolution 242”).

If these are Israel’s red lines, what ‘peace’ does Barak hope to discuss at Camp David, the symbolic venue of the peace talks currently taking place between Palestinians and Israelis? If Israel will not tackle the issues mentioned above, then the summit, and the peace process as a whole, seem futile. If there is any logic in the first lesson of conflict resolution - that its primary focus must be the conflict itself - then Barak’s red lines rule out the possibility of any such resolution. Indeed, it has become clear that his idea of peace is little more than the promotion and legitimisation of Israel’s national interests. In short, he is saying “No” to negotiation and insisting upon the presentation of Israel’s self-centred and colonialist policies.

The Palestinians have already made many compromises, the largest of which is the fact that the Palestinian land occupied in 1948 is no longer a point of discussion. If Israel has any desire for true and lasting peace, and if anything signed at Camp David is to be more than just another “peace of paper”, then Israel must face its international and moral obligation to implement UN resolutions 242, 338, 181 and 194. Only then will the 52 years of Palestinian-Israeli conflict be brought to a just and lasting end.

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