Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Israeli celebrations of the “re-unification” of Jerusalem are to the Palestinians a painful reminder of “occupation and oppression.” June 1st 1967 marks Israel’s unilateral and illegal annexation of east Jerusalem.

Israeli marches through the city on June 1st were met by angry Palestinian protests against Israel’s racist and punitive illegal policies and measures directed against Arab east Jerusalem. These policies include home demolition, ID confiscation, and land confiscation (for the purpose of illegal settlement construction). Israel’s agenda for occupied Jerusalem has been described as systematic and silent “ethnic cleansing.”

The provocative show of strength by Israeli extremists and settlers in east Jerusalem is a direct blow to the peace process itself and to any hopes of future neighborly relations. In its scramble to create prejudicial facts on the ground in Jerusalem, Israel is not only violating international law (UN Resolutions 181, 242, and 338), it is also violating signed agreements and undermining permanent status talks.

It should be noted here that the status of the whole of Jerusalem, east and west, is still defined by UN Resolution 181, which denies Israel any sovereignty over the city. The fact that Jerusalem is still on the agenda of the final status talks prohibits Israel from undermining any “unilateral actions to preempt or prejudge the outcome of the issues to be resolved by the negotiations.”

After 33 years of occupation, Israel has succeeded in demonstrating how divided Jerusalem is. East Jerusalem, from which Israel should withdraw, remains a captive city suffering from seizure, deprivation and discrimination. It is ironic that their claim of “reunification” and hollow gesture of bravado is immediately and indisputably exposed by painful realities on the ground.

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