Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

In spite of the postponement of Sunday’s meeting between President Arafat and Prime Minister Barak, any top-level meeting will be expected to address the current deadlock and obstacles facing the implementation of interim phase agreements and talks on final status issues. The meeting gains additional significance against the backdrop of the resumption of the Syrian/Israeli talks and their implications and impact on the Palestinian/Israeli negotiations.

For this meeting to go beyond symbolism and platitude, it is imperative that Barak exhibit the political will necessary to restore confidence in the peace process and place it back on track.

To do that, Israel is required to take decisive measures and decisions. First, it must unequivocally put an end to all settlement expansion, regardless of the nature of the activities. Second, Israel must carry out the 5% second phase redeployment from populated areas, in agreement with the Palestinian side. Third, a trilateral (Palestinian/Israeli/American) third phase redeployment committee must be set up immediately in order to complete all redeployment, with the exception of Israeli military locations. Fourth, Israel must lift its racist and harsh restrictions on the southern “safe passage” and achieve a fair and workable negotiated agreement for the opening of the northern safe passage from the Gaza Strip to the Latroun area. Finally, Israel must complete the release of all Palestinian political prisoners and all other pending issues, including economic arrangements.

Barak is also required to deal with final status issues without holding the process hostage to his public hard line stance on refugees, Jerusalem, boundaries, settlements, and water rights.

Any attempt at playing off the Syrian and Palestinian tracks against each other, or at exerting pressure on the Palestinian side to accept unfair and flawed agreements, will backfire.

The principles and legal foundations governing the Syrian/Israeli track must be equally applicable to the Palestinian track. These should lead to full withdrawal, dismantlement of all Israeli settlements, restoration of the 1967 borders, and parity of rights in the context of good neighbourly relations.

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