Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Remarkably, Palestinians never seem to run out of hope despite decades of occupation, dehumanization and humiliation. Dispossession, dispersion and the demeaning denial of basic human rights has not managed to silence them nor their natural quest for self-determination.

Though countless UN resolutions dealing with the question of Palestine have been reaffirmed by the General Assembly and the Security Council, Israel has thus far failed to comply with any of them. In fact Israel has defiantly and recurrently violated international law, often using blatantly brutal measures as though to highlight its arrogant belief that it is above the law.

This past Friday, an Israeli official stated that Israel will review “every kilometer” of the Wall that is yet to be built around the West Bank, in attempt to measure its legality and compliance with international law. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon said that if the Wall in fact does violate certain laws, he will be prepared to move it closer to Israel to avoid “trapping Palestinians in fenced-in enclaves.”

While such statements seem to suggest the Israeli government is sensitive to Palestinian human considerations, the history of this and former governments shows a propensity to disrespect and violate UN resolutions and other international conventions.

Israel claims to respect international law, yet the separation wall violates the UN Charter and the Fourth Geneva Convention governing occupied territory including; the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force, the prohibition on the use of collective punishment, the obligation to ensure the humane well-being of the Palestinian population, the prohibition on changing the status of occupied territory, and the violation of the Palestinian right to self-determination.

Upon the Wall’s completion, 43.5% of West Bank lands will be annexed, trapping 84.1% of Palestinians and separating 522,000 Palestinians from their lands. Currently, 13,332 Palestinians are trapped between the Wall and the Green Line, 8,000 acres of Palestinian lands have been confiscated and 25,153 acres are isolated. Moreover, 75 houses have been demolished, 102,320 trees uprooted and 50 major water wells were confiscated.

If all these actions are not illegal, what is? Israel cannot arbitrarily decide which laws to abide by and which it can simply ignore. It cannot keep fooling the world and the international community to reach its goals and oppress more and more Palestinians.

The Wall is not just a physical construction; it is the product of an increasingly lawless regime that pursues domination while readily and recklessly oppressing the Palestinian population. Tragically, the historic significance and repercussions of the barrier have been dwarfed by the international community, silenced by ignorance and easily influenced by subjective propaganda.

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