Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israel is no stranger to terror; in fact, terror in Palestine was introduced by the Zionist militia, the Hagana. After shooting at Palestinian and British children in school buses, attempting to burn down AlAqsa mosque and other buildings, and planting bombs at the King David hotel and elsewhere, these (terrorists) were rewarded a state, to be lead by wanted terrorists such as Shameer and Begin.

Today, the Israeli intelligence and security forces are warning against terror attacks to take place against Islam’s third holiest shrine and other Palestinian and Muslim targets. These attacks are to be carried out by Jewish ‘extremists,’ the Israeli chief of homeland security Tzachi Hanegbi is warning.

Israeli security sources said possible actions include crashing a drone plane packed with explosives into the mosque area, and attempting to assassinate a prominent Jerusalem Muslim leader, perhaps from the Waqf Islamic Trust.

According to Haaretz ,“The aim of the ‘Temple Mount’ attack conspiracy, they said, would be to carry out a visible provocation that sparked violent confrontation in the territories.” ‘Visible provocations’ were carried out before by heroes of Zionist extremism. Ariel Sharon’s 2000 incursion into AlAqsa mosque with thousands of armed guards desecrating the Holy Site, sparked what today is known as AlAqsa Intifada and came at a time when peace was being seriously negotiated in good faith.

Jewish extremists are fanatics, ideologically driven by a belief that ‘God’ had chosen them for this land, and that they need to clean it from any non-Jewish blood in order to rebuild the temple and fulfill the prophecy.

These armed settlers are harbored by the state of Israel and are the epitome of occupation. Expanding their settlements on Palestinian land while terrorizing Palestinian civilians by burning their homes, attacking their towns, killing their cattle, uprooting their trees, beating their women and children in order to drive the natives out of their land.

In Hebron, a chief terrorist who is hailed today as a hero by the Hebronite Jews, Barokh Goldstein, shot and killed 53 Palestinians as they were praying on their knees at Abraham’s tomb. The site is sacred to both Muslims and Jews alike. Goldstein, was never stopped or gunned down by Israeli soldiers guarding the site. The terrorist was eventually toppled and beaten to death by traumatized Palestinian civilians and worshipers. Until this day, his memory is commemorated by fellow Israeli fanatics, who have built several shrines to honor this murderer and rally in his memory under the protection of Israeli troops ‘keeping the peace’ in Hebron.

Another West Bank settler terrorist cell was discovered after planting bombs at an east Jerusalem all girls elementary school. A few slaps on the wrist were administered by the terrorist harboring state of Israel and further investigations’ have failed to identify and hold accountable all those involved in the commission of this heinous crime.

Another cell in Haifa was discovered when a bomb was planted under the car of an Arab member of Israeli Knesset, Mohammad Barakeh. The terrorists, a father and son team, were briefly arrested and had confessed to having weapons and plans to carry more attacks against non-Jews, especially Arabs living inside Israel proper and occupied territories.

When the report came out that 200 Israelis are ‘actively waiting’ for Sharon's death, Head of Secret Services in Israel Avi Dichter was asked if he would have rounded up those individuals had they been Palestinians and he said absolutely!

Terrorism does not have an exclusive sponsoring religion. Many times terrorism is tied with religious fanaticism and could range from KKK or Christian Zionists (Christian) to Qaeda (Muslim) to settler movement (Jewish). All equally crazy and need to be dealt with directly and firmly regardless of what purpose they might serve.

Israel is not only guilty of occupation, which amounts to state sponsored terrorism, it is harboring and even aiding and abetting armed extremists to do their dirty work for them. The Jewish fanatics are heavily funded and mobilized like many other terror groups are, but are not facing any pressure or the tracing and shutting down of money sources. They have plotted to crash a plane into a crowd of worshipers, similar to the disgusting and cowardly attacks carried out on September 11th and should be severely dealt with.

Countries turning a blind eye to terrorism and upholding a double standard based on what religion the fanatics claim to adhere to should also be dealt with in a firm and direct manner. These terrorist will not stop, and waiting till another disaster takes place in order to act on this would make the Jewish state an accomplice.

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