Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Sharon’s government this Monday formally approved 600 new housing units for Maale Adumim, West Bank’s largest illegal Israeli settlement. The initial approval for the plan however was given some two months ago, according to Israeli political sources, shortly after President Bush’s April assurances.

In turn, Israel’s Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz made clear that the separation wall’s new projected route will leave Maale Adumim, together with the Gush Etzion settlement block some 20 km south of Jerusalem, inside Israel. “The security fence is not going back to the 1967 lines” the Minister emphasized while speaking to reporters after his tour of the projected route.

The new plan which aims to add homes to the Maale Adumim settlement, just east of Jerusalem, does so in a manner that effectively straddles the section of territory between the northern and southern West Bank, which is ultimately needed for any viable future Palestinian state.

The plan is not only in contravention of international law prohibiting the movement of the belligerent’s population into occupied territories, it is also clearly in noncompliance of the Internationally-backed roadmap, which explicitly obliges Israel to freeze all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the so-called natural growth.

The de-facto annexation of Maale Admumim to Israel, as envisioned by the projected route, is consistent with decades-long Israeli policy of confiscation, effective annexation, and the continuous Israeli practice of establishing irreversible “new facts on the ground.”

While Baroness Symons, British Minister of State, urged Israel to freeze all settlement activity, Israel’s outright contempt for the U.S. engineered roadmap seems not to have irritated the U.S. much. It was left to Adam Ereli, a State Department spokesperson, to lightly note that it “look[s] forward to Israel abiding by that commitment [to freeze settlement activity] and sticking by the road map.”
President Bush who is always so unrelenting and forceful when Palestinians or the PNA are on the receiving end of criticism, has had nothing to say about this matter.

The velvet-glove treatment of Israel by the U.S. leaves little doubt to the partiality and ineffectiveness of U.S. mediation in the pseudo peace process it calls the roadmap. It also leaves little doubt that President Bush’s assurances, made last April, have been swiftly capitalized on by the Israeli government.
While President Bush described a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank as “unrealistic,” it increasingly seems that any significant Israeli withdrawal is unrealistic as well, given the current rate of Israeli annexation and territorial fragmentation.

Interestingly enough, according to an Israeli daily, the Israeli Housing Ministry received clear instructions not to publish public tenders so as to avoid embarrassing the U.S. administration. It should be ironic however, that Israel is capable of showing such consideration to American sensibilities while it is incapable of showing anything near such consideration to its obligations under international law, its commitments under the roadmap and Oslo accords, or even to the humanitarian plight of an occupied population.

Israel’s form of unilateral disengagement will effectively annex 11.5% of occupied Palestinian land by rendering it on Israel’s “side”, allegedly in order to preserve Israeli “territorial” contiguity. This is both tragic and futile, as it further disrupts much needed Palestinian territorial contiguity, while inflicting further suffering by dismembering and ‘ghettoizing’ whole communities.

Both the new and old route of the separation wall, and the almost 130 Israeli settlements (whether expanded or not) together with the intransigence of the Israeli government, continue to make a viable Palestinian state impossible.

While Israel’s unilateral “disengagement” plan may successfully increase the “contiguity” between itself and its settlements, basically a camouflaged land grab, it does so at the cost of peace.

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