Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Some argue that the state of Israel has great influence on the United States of America, dictating its policies and preserving the occupation and expansion of the Israeli military state. Others will disagree and tell you that it is the other way round, the US supports its ally because it is protecting its’ self interest yet the minute they, Americans, demand something of Israel; Israel is quick to comply.

This debate often takes place and usually does so amongst observers, politicians, journalists, academics and activists. The discussion stems from observing the American foreign policy especially in the Middle East and elsewhere. These testimonies seem to show the American relentless and blind support for the occupying state even when Israel is defiant and ignoring the American demands, plans, proposals and recommendations.

Who is fooling who? Are we the fooled?

Ariel Sharon came to power in early 2001, only a few months after George W. Bush was finally announced the winner of the US presidential elections, which were won not by the popular vote but by the electoral vote, thanks to Jed Bush’s state of Florida. The two men pledged to jointly work and support one another, citing the time spent together hovering in a helicopter back when the Texas governor, George Bush, visited Israel and then Minister of Housing, Ariel Sharon, who took him on his infamous chopper tour of the ‘homeland.’

Sharon and Bush have had an unshakable relationship since the two came to power; setting aside several embarrassing incidents in recent history were Israel gave the impression that it owns the US by continually ignoring demands and making unfulfilled promises. Israel caused the US to drift further away from countries of the region which the US needs as friends in its fight against ‘terrorism’ and in light of this new world order.

Recent reports claimed that the Bush administration was getting frustrated with Sharon and his refusal to meet promises made, embarrassing the US, and not lending enough support to America by stalling further and undermining, time and time again, the American designed peace plan, the roadmap.

Haaretz went on record reporting that: senior US administration officials accuse Sharon of taking advantage of the fact that the U.S. is in an election period, knowing it will not worsen the relations with him. “When President Bush is elected for a second term he will no longer treat Sharon as he did the first term if the promises are not kept." Sources quoted a senior American official as saying. These comments came as the Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed the approval of 600 new housing units in the West Bank illegal settlement of Ma'aleh Adumim after Sharon gave his green light a month ago.

The settlement expansion had been planned secretly for several months. The sight of bulldozers confirmed the Palestinian concern that, with this expansion, the ring of illegal Israel structures will be completed surrounding east Jerusalem, making it impossible for east Jerusalem to become the capital of a Palestinian state.

The US had barely condemned Israel’s expansion announcement. Nevertheless, Sharon merely got a slap on the wrist by the senior American official, Elliot Abrams, sent to Israel with what repots claimed ‘a letter from Bush’ stating all the unfulfilled promises made by Israel to the current US administration.

Once the American envoy arrived it became obvious that neither the US nor Israel are interested in calling the others bluff, or to take concrete steps to condemn illegal settlement expansion or the derailing of the ‘roadmap.’ The US envoy did not even refer to the subject of expansion, he merely focused on the political situation and coalition-expansion proceedings during his talking with the Israeli PM and FM, Israeli news sources reported.

Sharon had explained that the idea, completing the east Jerusalem envelope, was ten years old and related to the construction of hotels and tourist sites, not residential areas! An illegal structure built on occupied land is illegal whether it is used for housing or for commercial and tourism use.

Abrams further comforted the Israeli Prime Minster by assuring him that the US was acting to keep the issue of the ICJ ruling and UN General Assembly’s overwhelming majority vote, out of the Security Council. This will further empower the occupying state to stand in defiance of the whole world, minus five insignificant countries and islands, including the European bloc.

It is difficult to come to a conclusion as to who is leading who when it comes to the US, Israeli relationship. One thing is for sure; the US is not trusted or respected because of its blind support to the occupying state. Claiming to be a fair mediator or peace broker, while showing the inability to take a stance and move the peace process forward. The opportunity to exert pressure has passed for now, for the election year is not the time to anger the pro-Israeli voters living in the United States.

Both, George Bush and Ariel Sharon are opportunists who have fortified their position as state leaders through planting fear initiating wars and causing instability. Both will soon enough pressure each other once the stakes are high and either of them is required to further reinforce their place and conserve their seat at the top of the world in defiance of norms and expectations.

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