Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ariel Sharon was supposedly angered by the comments - which were nothing more than lip service - made by his deputy Ehud Olmert regarding settlement evacuation in the West Bank for the sake of Israel and the demographic “time bomb,” as he described it. "In the future there will be a need to evacuate more settlements in Judea and Samaria (the occupied West Bank) -- not because it's just, but because there is no choice if we want to remain a Jewish and democratic state," Olmert said.

Not because settlements are the epitome of occupation and a tool of structural violence and terror that they are being planted and continue to spread like cancer on stolen Palestinian property. Not because settlements are built on occupied land and are considered as illegal even by Israel’s ‘strategic’ ally the USA. Not because settlements have become extremist havens, home to terrorists and murderers such as Baroukh Goldstien (of the Hebron massacre) and Yigal Ameer (who murdered the only true Israeli peace partner, the late PM Rabin).

When Olmert said “not because it is just, but because there is no choice”, he actually meant, as he explained to the New York Times in July, that he would prefer to live in a geographically limited purely Jewish state over a democracy that would include large numbers of people (i.e. Palestinians) who would have no voting rights. And therefore, he sees the need for Israel to give up more land. When he said, therefore, that “we want to remain a Jewish democratic state,” what he actually means is a state with democracy exclusively for its Jewish residents and citizens.

Olmert’s deceiving comments, are really intended to plant fear and win votes from the ideologically-driven fundamentalists in Israel by hitting them where it hurts most, i.e. the eternal ‘fear of the demographic ghost.’

Equality and human rights will eventually prevail, as they become the instrument for making peace as Palestinians continue to exist and increase in numbers, and Olmert is warning against this. Better give the Palestinians as little as possible before we are forced to give back more than we would like to the people native to the land, is what Olmert is really saying.

These comments reportedly angered Sharon, who was said to be “furious.” "It is the opposite of his position," he said. "The disengagement plan is the only plan on the table and we are not talking about anything beyond that." In fact, Olmert was later forced to tone down his comments, and according to news sources he told Israeli television that he did not envisage any further withdrawals "in the near future".

To any local the game is clear: Sharon and Olmert are promoting the same agenda, for they are very close allies, and they both have the joint aim of continuing to rule the state of Israel by keeping the growing fanatical settler community happy and voting for the right wing extremists. Further, Sharon needs to promote DPM Olmert as opposed to Netanyahu, Sharon’s possible successor, because Netanyahu has shown tendencies of being even more extreme than Sharon, a characteristic that is necessary to be elected in Israel.

The two old friends, Sharon and Olmert, have embarked on yet another political ploy, using the ‘good cop bad cop’ tactic to give the impression that there is a healthy well thought-out debate between the ‘hawks turned doves.’

They both know and realize what it will take to make peace, and that, unfortunately for Olmert will be justice. Only justice for the Palestinians will preserve the Jewish state and grant it peace and acceptance in the region. The sooner these leaders tell their people the truth - no matter what emotions it might trigger - the sooner they will truly become leaders and start a non-artificial debate on the legality of the settlements, on the future of Israel, and on peace.

Unfortunately, nobody, not even the extremists in Israel, believes that the PM and his deputy are seeking anything more than to remain in power and to frighten their people by keeping them in the dark. While such leaders reap all they can, before the truth is learnt by the average citizen, they can easily see what it takes to make peace and live in peace with the Palestinians and their other Arab neighbors, but are simply not interested, not yet anyhow.

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