Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

What exactly is the policy of this administration with concerns to settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories? Like a pendulum, this US administration sways erratically from deeming settlements illegal to openly supporting them. Never sticking to one direct stance, this form of policy is very counterproductive to any future negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis, and even more so to any future viable Palestinian state, no matter what the borders end up being. There is a simple reason for this, settlements are not an issue of slight importance; they are rather a blatant provocation and violation of the worst kind affecting everyday Palestinian life.

To be crystal clear, there is no justification what so ever for Israel building settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This is stated in the Geneva Conventions, Hague Regulations, United Nations Charter, Madrid Conference, Oslo Accords, the internationally backed Road Map, Security Council resolutions 446 and 465, as well as, General Assembly resolutions 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/5 and 10/6. Israel has repeatedly claimed that, like any other Population in the world, it has “natural growth,” (of 0.8% as opposed to a natural growth of 0.2% in an average EU country) and hence, has the obligation vis a vis its citizens to house them accordingly.

On August 3rd 2004, the Israeli government approved a plan to add 600 new housing units to the largest West Bank settlement of ‘Maale Adumim’ on the outskirts of east Jerusalem. This decision was greeted by the international community with wide spread dismay and calls for Israel to abide by its obligations under the Road Map. However, there was one country that toned down its criticism. The US administration spokesperson Adam Ereli had this to say, “We look forward to Israel abiding by its commitments to freeze all settlement activity and sticking by the road map.” It was quite understandable why the US toned down its criticism towards Israel. Simply because, this administration is in the midst of an election campaign and because of the supernatural powers the Zionist lobby posses in such a period.

It should have been clear, but no one could see it coming. In his April meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, US President George W. Bush, mentioned the words, “In light of new facts on the ground, it is virtually impossible for Israel to withdraw completely from the West Bank.” signaling an implied shift in US policy, toward settlement activity in the West Bank.

On Monday 23rd August the Israeli government once again approved plans to issue housing tenders for an extra 530 housing units in the West Bank settlements of ‘Emmanuel’ and ‘Adam’, in addition to 1000 housing units for the notorious West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim. Plans such as these only take place with initial US blessing For the first time in recorded history, has a US Administration been so blunt of its approval for the building of settlements.

It all began with statements from Washington that the US was seeking “Clarifications” from the Israeli government; a day after the Palestinian National Authority asked the Bush Administration for clarifications at reports that is was giving Israel a green light to peruse the expansion of Israeli settlements. Approval of the new expansion by the Israeli government was announced on Monday after it emerged that Washington had given its tacit approval for the expansion in existing Jewish settlements to accommodate the so-called “natural growth.” Two Questions arise. What on Earth could these clarifications be? And secondly, if settlements are built to counter “natural growth” does it make them any more legal or acceptable? The answer to the first question is frankly this is one of those PR plots to cover-up this controversy and show, that this administration has some reservations with concerns to this matter. The answer to the second question is an all out NO. It seems that the Israeli state suffers from Alzheimer and needs to be constantly reminded that it has a Negev desert which is virtually uninhabited. Israel should go and counter the problems of “natural growth” there. Furthermore, “natural growth” in Israeli terms means: The ‘Law of Return’ happily inviting any “Jew” from all over this globe to comeback to Eretz Israel. Whereas, an inherent right such as the “right of return of all Palestinian refugees,” is being ignored and procrastinated on for over 56 years.

In mixed signals, the US State Department said Monday the United States continues to seek a freeze on Israeli settlement activity even though it has refrained from criticizing new moves by Israel to expand existing West Bank settlements. At a news briefing, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Adam Ereli said, “We are currently involved in technical talks with the government of Israel in an effort to clarify their intentions with respect to the settlements,” adding, “I’m not in a position to go into saying what exactly we are telling them to do and what exactly we’re not telling them to do.” At the same time he insisted the US has not stepped back from support for a freeze in Israeli settlement activity called for in the road map, saying “Settlement activity in the occupied territories must stop, that is the position of the United States, and we will continue to work with the government of Israel toward a settlement freeze.”

President George W. Bush arguably the most controversial US President in recent history needs to know that this sort of sway in policy is not a harmless game similar to a yoyo, but rather a question very sensitive to Palestinian and Arab psyche, whether in light of new facts on the ground or not. It is high time for a US administration to take a firm stand to pave the way for a Palestinian state that the people of Palestine so deserve and yearn for.

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