Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

“Fool me once shame on you… fool me twice shame on me.” What if you fool me time and time again; am I being fooled or simply fooling myself?

Once again the FBI suspects an analyst, with close ties to top officials in the Pentagon and advisors to the US Defense Secretary, gave Israel access to secret material regarding US policy. An anonymous security official, interviewed by the Associated Press, appears to confirm the claim that the alleged spy is thought to have passed on the classified information to the pro-Israel lobby group, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). According to the BBC “the investigation into the alleged spy apparently involved the use of electronic surveillance devices, including wiretaps.”

Hard evidence has to be available, for if an American dares to falsely accuse the US’s closest ally of espionage without such evidence, it would be the end of ones Political career as the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby would be unleashed.

Incidents in the past that lacked hard evidence or were presented to pro-Israeli American officials had gotten away with deceit and treason. Cases, such as Stephan D. Bryen, 1978 Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, offering “Pentagon documents on the bases” to officials of the Israeli government, were quickly closed without anyone being formally charged. Other cases, like the US Navy ship that was bombed by Israel in the Mediterranean or the Levon affair in which an Israeli spy had planned to blow up the US embassy in Alexandria but was caught by an Egyptian, seem to have gone by without even tainting the image of the so-called American ally.

On March 5th 2002, Le Monde, a French leading paper reported that “in June 2001, an investigative report detailed the activities of more than one-hundred Israeli agents, some presenting themselves as fine arts students, others tied to Israeli high-tech companies. All were challenged by the authorities, were questioned, and a dozen of them are still imprisoned.” Further the Le Monde article explained that after the 9-11 attacks “very little detailed information had come out about the arrests of some sixty Israelis.” From December 11th to the 14th, a Fox news channel broadcast, “Carl Cameron investigates”, referrenced the incident, this provoked the Israeli embassy to respond by denouncing the report, along with American Jewish organizations such as JINSA and AIPAC. Fox withdrew the report and other related material from its internet website a day and a half after it had been published. Le Monde requested on three different occasions from Fox news to provide a tape of the broadcast; It was never provided.

Yehuda Abraham, an Israeli citizen, laundered 500,000$ on behalf of Lakhani, a convicted terrorist, in order to place a down-payment on 50 missiles which were smuggled to the US in 2003. Lakhani was sentenced while Abraham still awaits his fate.

Another Israeli spy caught and, for once, sentenced for his crimes is Jonathan Pollard, a civilian intelligence analyst for the Navy. He was arrested by FBI agents in Novemeber 1985 after he and his wife were rebuffed at the Israeli embassy in Washington in their attempt to seek asylum. Israel initially said Pollard was a rogue spy, but later Prime Minister Netanyahu acknowledged that he was an Israeli agent, and granted him citizenship in 1995. President Clinton considered releasing the Israeli spy in 1998 at Netanyahu’s request during the Wye River peace conference, only to pull back after then CIA Director Tenet threatened to resign if Pollard was pardoned or had his sentence changed. “Pollard is a traitor to the US as far as I’m concerned, and would have compromised the Israelis in a heartbeat, too, if it had struck him as something he wanted to do, because that’s the history of Pollard when you look at it,” said Richard Haver, a one-time Navy intelligence officer who worked on the case. “He has now re-invented himself as a great Jewish patriot and tried to present that to the people” Haver added.

The US is not the only victim of the Israeli boundless intelligence. Just in the past two months New Zealand imposed sanctions on Israel over a Mossad operation in which Israeli agents were involved in passport fraud.

Violating relationships and deceiving even the closest of friends Israel seems to be more important than the US to the American officials who lobby to empower the occupying state and international law violating state. While Israel continues not to only embarrass the US through foreign affairs, such as violating the ‘roadmap,’ but also on the domestic level through spying and stealing information from an ally that lends it unprecedented monetary and political support.

Does America consider Israel its 51st state, or does Israel consider America as the “big, powerful and dumb?” as Israel continues to bite the hand that is feeding it over and over again.

American politicians should ask themselves what interest they are serving. Where does their loyalty rest, Israel or the US? When push comes to shove it is obvious what stance the Israeli officials and non-officials will take and what side they will support, but is this clear and obvious for US lawmakers and officials?

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