Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The disgusting incidents at the Beslan School in southern Russia mark a gutless and cowardly appalling act of terror that is inexcusable and unjustifiable. The act sores ones spirits and leaves one wondering, what has this world become?

The children, kidnapped at the school, will be traumatized for life with murky memories that will haunt them for the foreseeable future. These kids have probably just lost their innocence and their birth right of being carefree, as children should be at least in those fragile, yet influential period of ones lives. The first day of school should be a happy day, a busy day but most of all a memorable day.

Children growing up in places of conflict tend to skip childhood and jump straight into adolescence/adulthood or at least be forced, either by treatment or imposed responsibilities, to be grown ups ahead of their time, as we so often witness in Palestine.

On September 1st, Palestinian children throughout the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and Gaza started the new 2004-2005 school year. Preparing tirelessly for this school year the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) in Palestine released a statement highlighting their groundwork for the new school year:
“The number of students for both schools and kindergartens for this year has increased compared with last year, where there were (43,000) students. This augmentation was at the opening of (79) new public schools. Since the Ministry has committed itself to take over the responsibility to prepare for the New Year, in spite of the difficult circumstances it achieved lots of goals in cooperation with its International and Local partners. Such as:
• Building new schools (40).
• Constructing and maintenance new class rooms and health unites.
• Printing and issuing new Palestinian curriculum (12) million.
• Producing (30) Radio programs for the TV and Radio programs unite.
• Establishing (76) Computer labs.
• Developing and establishing (117) school libraries.”

Unfortunately, this school year not only marked the construction of new schools and programs which assert the Palestinians desire to remain highly educated and competitive as a people that grant education the highest priority, this school year marked a new obstacle erected by the occupation forces throughout Palestinian cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods – The Wall.

The MOEHE statement highlights the troubles of the past year and the projected troubles in light of what they called “Apartheid Wall”: “It is also necessary to mention that during the academic year 2003-2004 the educational process has been affected a lot as a result of the aggressive policy of the Israeli army [from] the 28th of September until now; despite all the efforts that have been done by the ministry and all other partners. Many students, teachers and employees suffered a lot by the Israeli Soldiers [at] Military checkpoints, and inside the cities. This aggression has, however, resulted in the loss, in one way or other, of significant numbers of teachers, students and employees. […] the Apartheid Wall made a real obstacle to the Palestinian students, which deprived them from their right of education.”

According to recent statistics, Palestinian school and university students killed by Israeli troops has reached 501 with university students killed reaching 196 as well as 27 teachers killed. 1485 students and teachers (school and university) have been detained with approximately 4676 others injured. Students and teachers are bracing themselves as they deal with the new restrictions imposed. Many schools have been repeatedly turned into military camps, by occupation forces, and till today there has not been one normal school day were both students and teachers were allowed to make it to their schools and back.

Palestinian schools have been the target of Israeli terror attacks in the past. A West Bank settler terrorist cell was discovered after planting bombs at an east Jerusalem all girls elementary school; luckily for these elementary kids the bombs were discovered and dismantled in time.

In the old city of Hebron students, who are terrorized daily by settlers, are accompanied by international observers in order to walk them, every morning and evening, to and from school. These observers are there to protect the children and are often attacked, verbally and physically, using profanity and throwing eggs and dirty water to mention a few. Children have to walk with the convoy, protected by internationals, avoiding eye contact with the settlers as they go on their daily walk to and from school.

In Qalqilya, a city completely surrounded by Israel’s occupation wall, children need to wait for trigger happy soldiers in order to open the gate, so they can overflow out of the military gate, before it closes again. The often teen-age soldiers become more powerful than the teacher or the headmaster determining when the students make it to school or even if they do at all.

Witnessing daily killings, arrests and injuries of classmates, along with being intoxicated by tear gas, having ones school turned into a military camp, or ones teacher severely beaten before the children’s eyes must leave a sense of helplessness and weakness. Such atrocities committed on behalf of the occupation army will create an even deeper culture fed by unprecedented emotions which are yet to develop into dangerous defiance amongst these school and university students.

Nevertheless, the MOEHE is working hard to make life as ‘normal’ as possible. The Palestinian private sector is proudly responsible for almost half the funding when it comes to learning. Education is our pride and our only hope, in order to continue with our usual practice of highly regarded education while teaching our children to resist with the pen, for it is mightier than the sword.

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