Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

“Absence of hope for a peaceful settlement leads to despair, strengthens extremists and is a sure recipe for continuing violence and instability.” This was the general theme of Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Kieran Prendergast briefing before the UN Security Council on the 17th of September. He also voiced “extreme concern” at recent remarks made by Israeli PM Sharon in which he stated that Israel is not following the ‘roadmap’ and might stay in West Bank long after any withdrawal from Gaza.

At the same time, American officials are rallying in order to ‘protect’ Israel from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolutions which are critical of the occupying state. “It’s very labor intensive but we can make some progress and we can build some alliances about trying to reduce what, is in our view, the clear ‘skewed’ treatment of Israel in these resolutions,” an American State Department official said on condition of anonymity. What is comical is that the US is protecting Israel from any consequences which might force Israel to adhere to the US drafted and adopted ‘roadmap.’

Ever since its creation, also known to history as its occupation of Palestinian land, Israel faced ‘skewed’ treatment by the UN. In 1947 a UN special commission devised a plan to partition Palestine, in order to pave the way for the creation of two states. Recognition of Israel as an independent state had two preconditions, stated in resolutions 181 and 194, granting Israel, a minority, 52% of historical Palestine and allowing Palestinian refugees to return to their homes which they were forced out of by heavily armed Jewish militants. Only under this pre-text would Israel be allowed to join the United Nations as an independent state.

Needless to say Israel did not adhere to this generous offer and continued to push its luck as the Soviet Union, the communist country, recognized Israel’s right to exist, in 1948, in defiance against the will of the rest of the UN.

The Soviet Union, being one of five permanent members of the UNSC was the first country to recognize Israel. Other permanent members followed the Soviets example and recognized Israel as an independent country with the right to exist, interestingly enough with the US being one of the last permanent member states to recognize the exclusively Jewish state. This resulted in ‘skewed’ treatment which was crowned as the UN retracted, in regards to the conditionality set forth as pretext to acknowledgments, ignoring UNGA recommendations on recognizing Israel.

Historically Israel has received nothing but UNGA non-binding resolutions which are rarely in favor of the Israeli occupation, but if anything it is the Palestinians who seem to get the will of the world ‘skewed’ throughout history with the help of Great Britain, the Soviet Union and today, the United States of America. Had these permanent members adhered to the will of the UNGA long ago, Israel and Palestine could be living in peace and harmony.

In the last year alone, the US stood in the way of 21 resolutions calling on Israel to halt assassinations, incursions, protect human rights, the construction of settlements and the wall, stop acts of collective punishment and much more. Yet with America undermining the UN as it did when it invaded Iraq, Israel continues to have rules and world desires ‘skewed’ in order to serve its agendas and further their illegal occupation of Palestine. This might seem like an act of support for Israel, but it is only isolating the Jewish state further, treating it as a country above the law, while undermining the United States and its supposed upheld values of freedom, equality, liberty and justice for all. P>With regional analysts believing the ‘roadmap’ has been all but abandoned by recent Israeli initiatives, including expansion of existing settlements onto occupied Palestinian land a clear violation of the text of the ‘roadmap’ agreement, Israel has not shown the will or the desire to bring security to its people through making a just and honest peace with the Palestinians, who are the actual owners of the land.

In the view of the overwhelming majority of the world, Israel is receiving positively ‘skewed’ treatment empowered by the permanent member of choice for the past four decades, the USA.

Prendergast ended his briefing by calling on Israel to abide by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice to dismantle the separation barrier it is building on the West Bank and demanded that Israel pays for the olive and fruit groves and other agricultural land destroyed in the process. In order not to be viewed as ‘skewed’ treatment in his briefing Prendergast also called on the besieged Palestinian President, Arafat, to institute ‘tangible reforms’ of the security services so as “to take immediate action on the ground.”

The overwhelming majority of member states in the UN condemn Israel’s occupation and call for its end and have retracted by using resolutions 242 and 338 as the basis for a peaceful settlement, yet the ‘skewed’ treatment by the US to combat the world has assured Israel its continued violations and occupation, while coining the overwhelming majorities’ pseudo requests as ‘skewed’ treatment in favor of the occupied Palestinians!

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