Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


World leaders and diplomats have for many years dictated their vision of what a Palestinian state should look like. They have had their opinions on what solution is best to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They have also had many suggestions as to how better Palestinians can achieve their statehood, such as the use of non-violence methods, which incidentally Palestinians have always tried to incorporate in this struggle. Diplomacy is important, yet their “advice” and suggestions do not reflect but their sheer lack of understanding the realities that Palestinians have to endure.

On the fourth anniversary of the Intifada, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, came out with resolve and certainty against it. According to him, the uprising has not achieved anything for the Palestinians. What is more, Powell had the audacity to say that it is the sole reason behind the lack of a solution. In other words, Palestinians have only themselves to blame and should accept the subjugation that his speech implies.

Again, the victims of the fifth largest military in the world are responsible for what befalls them, as if the only reason why Israel is conducting its wide-scale operation in Gaza this weekend is to curb “terror”. The conflict is presented in its simplest, black-and-white form to the masses, which raises the question as to whether these supposedly intelligent, rational individuals running the world, actually understand the complexities of the situation here. The issue here is not terror, but the occupation that has robbed Palestinians of their ancestral land and its resources, and has denied us the many basic human rights that we are entitled to. There are two parties to this conflict and as soon as Israel is assigned its fair share of responsibility, there will be a stalemate for an eternity.

Palestinians have always had a reluctant faith in diplomatic negotiations, but it has become increasingly evident, that try as they may, our own political representatives have been unable to follow the act of American and Israeli politicians. Marginalized and incapacitated, Palestinian officials go where they are summoned and yet come back empty handed. It would be great if they refused to engage in any form of negotiations until our representatives are guaranteed that something substantive will happen to change the situation on the ground.

Unfortunately, the weak cannot impose conditions on the stronger parties and are thus cornered into going to meetings that they know are probably not going to be for the best interest of the Palestinian people. Diplomatic relations need to be maintained, nonetheless, but world speaking tours, media appearances and newspaper space by any one of the many outspoken Palestinians, have done more to advance the Palestinian cause than any diplomatic meetings have done.

Those who heard British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw saying at the conclusion of the Labour Party Conference earlier this week that the Palestinian Authority must “rein in terror groups, who continue to cause such carnage and misery to Israeli families”, can only assume from his message that the only thing that Israel is guilty of, is targeted killings. No mention of the fact that in many targeted assassinations, innocent Palestinian civilians are killed, maimed or left orphaned. And no mention of Israel’s oppression of an entire people, justified by fighting “terror”, while it is in fact a colonial occupation that recalls the shameful history of Europe’s past.

It is time that the world recognized that Israel is the dominant power in this conflict and should be treated as such. It is not enough that Straw demanded of Israel to stop targeted killings, halt settlement buildings in the West Bank and re-route the “security” barrier, as if these are victimless acts. It is time for firm action to stop Israeli aggression that has killed 3,659 people since September 2000, not to mention the scores more who have fallen during this weekend’s incursion on Gaza.

Clichéd condemnations of Israeli military operations are not enough, such as today’s Dutch Foreign Minister, Bernard Bot’s, unless accompanied by specific actions that would pressure Israel into rethinking its strategies. One thing that can be done is reviewing Israel’s preferential trade agreements with the European Union, as Denham called for in an article published in Friday’s Guardian newspaper.

While speaking of justice for the Palestinian people, nothing has been done to implement any UN resolution thus far. The International Court of Justice ruling in July was a positive outcome, but like any of the many other documents, it has been bound and filed somewhere to collect dust. Security Council resolutions that would enforce Chapter 7 are needed today, whereby Israel is progressively forced to implement them or face sanctions or other consequences. Otherwise, 50 years from now, the world will still be churning out resolutions, and politicians will still be talking about a peaceful settlement in the Middle East from the safe distance of their offices. Diplomacy has its role, but it has not proven itself so far, so how can Palestinians trust and hope that negotiations and diplomatic relations will end in the resolution of this conflict?

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