Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

It is said that, “That which does not kill you only makes you stronger.” Like anything one gets used to, Gazans have become but too acquainted with the prospect of yet another massacre. Even though Gaza is the site of an ongoing and prolonged humanitarian catastrophe, a safe bet would be to say, that this in not the last the world will here from Gaza. Gazans have developed a natural immunity to Israel’s repeated war crimes.

Since Wednesday last week, Israel’s re-occupation of Gaza’s Jabaliya camp has claimed the lives of some 95 people, meaning an average of 12 Palestinians killed in eight days, sparing no one. Furthermore, over 380 people have been injured; more than 95 homes have been completely demolished and approximately 55,000 civilians are under siege in 7 different districts in Gaza. These terrible statistics were seemingly not enough for the US to accept a simple UN Security Council resolution that merely condemns Israel for its conduct in Gaza, thereby calling on Israel to halt its continued atrocities. For the 29th time this year the US has used its VETO right in an utterly inappropriate time and place, with only Palestinians paying the price for this completely illogical diplomatic move.

The draft resolution, which was a joint proposal by Algeria, Pakistan and Tunisia, came in the form of a very simple resolution that:

  • Demands the immediate cessation of all military operations in the area of Northern Gaza and the withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from that area;.
  • Reiterates its call for the cessation of violence and for respect of and adherence to legal obligations, including those under international humanitarian law; 
  • Calls on Israel, the occupying Power, to ensure the unfettered access and safety of United Nations personnel and all medical and humanitarian aid workers to provide emergency assistance to the civilian population, and calls for the respect of the inviolability of the facilities of the United Nations agencies in the field, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA):
  • Calls on both parties to immediately implement their obligations under the Road Map and with this goal in mind closely cooperate with the ‘Quartet’.

The resolution, making very clear that Israel must immediately halt its military operation, respect international humanitarian law, ensure unfettered access and safety of United Nations personnel to provide emergency assistance to the civilian population and calls for a resumption of peace negotiations under the framework of the internationally backed road map. A simple resolution such as the one at hand was enough to evoke an all out US campaign to de-legitimize the proposed draft document.

The US ambassador to the UN John Danforth called the resolution, “Lopsided, unbalanced and dangerously disingenuous.” He went on further to say that the US had no problem with “tough words,” but only when those were accurate and there was balance. “The draft did not mention 200 rockets launched this year alone. It did not mention the two Israeli children who were outside playing last week when a rocket suddenly crashed into their young bodies. It did not mention the undisputed fact that the Qassam rockets were crude, imprecise devices of terror designed to kill civilians. It did not mention that Hamas took ‘credit’ for killing those Israeli children and maiming many other Israeli civilians, calling those deaths and woundings a victory.” Maybe the resolution does not mention all these facts; however do these facts alone justify Israel’s barbaric campaign in Gaza?

Representing one of the most vital organs of the UN, the Security Council was designed with the intention of being a mechanism for establishing and maintaining international peace and security. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is one of the most heated conflicts of our time, has been dealt another blow for a comprehensive and lasting peace settlement. The French ambassador to the UN regretted that, once again, the Council had been paralyzed on the core issue, a core to international peace and security. In this very unbalanced war Palestinians consider the Security Council to be the custodian of International Law and the protector of the weak. With the Security Council failing yet again in preventing a Palestinian catastrophe, it is fair to say that the Council is in dire need of reform and restructuring in order to meet the peace and security needs of this century.

With the operation, “Days of Penitence” entering its ninth day, with US blessings, Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday had the shocking audacity to say, “Prime Minister Sharon’s offensive in Gaza is not in contrast of the disengagement plan…he remains committed to the plan and hopefully that will get back on track.” With the use of such an oxymoron, it has become crystal clear as to what intentions the US really has for the Middle East. This latest VETO used by the US in the Security Council will have very serious repercussions to the ailing humanitarian situation in Gaza.

No more excuses, and no more empty words. The atrocities being committed in Gaza need to stop immediately, with or without a SC resolution.

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