Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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The ongoing Israeli military campaign in Gaza, codenamed “Days of Penitence”, is a tragedy that should be highlighted throughout the international media. For the past two weeks Gaza has been the site of an evil, vicious and barbaric campaign by the Israeli army with seemingly no limits to destruction, despair and killings. Sadly enough, this latest operation will enter a long list of Israeli massacres committed against the Palestinian people with US blessing that will be left once again unpunished.

The operation has already claimed the lives of over 115 Palestinian, including 31 children and injured over 400 people, of whom 127 were children. Furthermore, at least 75 Palestinian homes have been completely destroyed, and about 400 dunums of agricultural land have been leveled. All of this, because of a Qassam rocket that killed two infants in the Israeli town of Sderot. The supposed aim of this operation is to decrease the number of Qassam rocket attacks on nearby Israeli towns in an attempt to protect Israeli civilians.

Just last week the US Administration vetoed an Arab proposed Security Council resolution which simply called on Israel to halt its current offensive and withdraw its troops from Gaza. The US vetoed the draft resolution because of its ‘unbalanced’ terminology, which only called on Israel to take action excluding the Palestinian side. What balance? Does the killing of over 31 Palestinian children, balance out the killing of two Israeli infants. Weren’t we taught that two wrongs don’t make a right? Well in this case, it is more like 31 wrongs definitely do not make a right.

Numerous NGO’s, humanitarian agencies and the UN have warned of a humanitarian crisis in the making. Approximately 15,000 people have been living under siege in areas of northern Gaza without access to food, water, hospitals or essential supplies since Israeli forces raided the area on the 28th September. Israeli forces have been in control of all movement in and out of the village of Bait Hanun, while access to the Tal al-Zatar and Glibo areas east of the densely populated Jabalya refugee camp are all but impossible due to the large number of Israeli tanks overlooking them. “As of October 6, we consider that the situation is starting to become really drastic,” said Iyad Nasr of the Red Cross.

According to the Fourth Geneva Conventions, the occupying power must allow the civilian population access to food and essential sanitation if they “deem it necessary to restrict their movement.” If they do not allow them such access, they must supply them these needs themselves, or at the very least allow humanitarian agencies to undertake these duties if neither option is exercised. Of course the Israeli army is prohibiting both. This raises the question as to what exactly is the intention of Prime Minister Sharon in this latest Israeli offensive. Quite simply, to kill as many Palestinians as possible, destroy as many homes and general infrastructure as possible, in effect making Gaza resemble a ghost town, while persuing the disengagement plan as step towards a twisted peace.

This latest offensive has reached the point of a humanitarian crisis, and quite frankly Palestinians are fed up with cosmetic condemnation of Israel’s conduct. In an interview, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said, “Israel was failing to meet its obligation to avoid innocent civilian casualties and humanitarian suffering.” This song has been sung too many times. Condemnation is not enough. Urgent action is what is required. As the PLC member and Secretary General of MIFTAH Dr. Hanan Ashrawi so eloquently said, “Suicide bombers are not born they are made.” This latest offensive is yet another reason for some Palestinian to become exactly so. The cycle of violence will never end until the root cause is finally addressed, namely the belligerent, prolonged and completely unjustified occupation of an entire nation.

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