Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Since 1948, following the Palestinian catastrophe (Al Nakba), ‘the West’ has either blamed the Arab States at large or Palestinians in specific for the absence of peaceful co-existence with Israel, the only ‘true democracy’ in the Middle-East. Since 1965, this blame has been specifically finger pointed at the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) for its resort to ‘terrorist methods’ rather than dialogue. The embodiment of this blame came in the form of a charismatic yet notorious leader going by the name of Yasser Arafat, known to Palestinians and Arabs as Abu Ammar.

President Arafat passed away on November the 11th 2004, after being incarcerated in his Ramallah compound for over two and a half years. The simple reason given by Israel for his confinement was his resort, yet again to ‘terrorist methods’ as a means to achieving political aims. For this reason Prime Minster Ariel Sharon declared President Arafat ‘irrelevant.’ Now that President Arafat, also known as ‘the excuse,’ is dead, it seems like there are no more obstacles for peace.

In the days, following the death of President Arafat, numerous US and UK officials said that there is an unprecedented window of opportunity for the resumption of peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. In their meeting in Washington last week, British Prime Minster Toni Blair and US President George W. Bush spoke of supporting the emergence of a viable democratic Palestinian State, living at peace, side by side with its neighbour-Israel. At the press conference following their meeting, President Bush said, “I believe we've got a great chance to establish a Palestinian state, and I intend to use the next four years to spend the capital of the United States on such a state.” With the ‘great chance’ of course President Bush was referring to the death of the Palestinian President, implying that now that ‘the obstacle’ for achieving peace is gone, the chances of establishing a Palestine State are much higher than they were under the leadership of President Arafat. As usual with Bush-Blair press conferences, PM Blair took over the more technical aspects of the press conference, when he said, “We'll mobilize the international community to help revive the Palestinian economy, to build up Palestinian security institutions to fight terror, to help the Palestinian government fight corruption, and to reform the Palestinian political system and build democratic institutions.”

These two outstanding statements from this press conference focused on the words ‘democracy’ and the ‘great chance.’ As for the obsession that the US and UK have for use of the word ‘democracy’ in relation to the emerging Palestinian State, they should be reminded first of all, that ‘democracy’ is not the core issue in this conflict it is rather Israel’s prolonged occupation of an entire people. Second of all, Palestinians have been calling for an independent and democratic state since 1922. Thirdly, if there is any nation in the Middle-East that fulfills the pre-requisites for becoming a true democracy, it is Palestine. Possessing a very plural civil and political society, with a wide spectrum of secular political parties, Palestine is definitely ready for the launching of a truly democratic State, which Israel could learn from. Finally, if the meaning of democracy according to the US and the UK is installing puppet regimes, much like Afghanistan and Iraq, Palestinians are better off not striving for democracy.

The second obsession the US has had was the repeated reference to a ‘great chance’ or a ‘window of opportunity’ in light of President Arafat’s death. Now that President Arafat, ‘the excuse,’ has transcended to another time and place, the US can no longer feed the public a diet of blaming solely one man for many collapsed peace efforts. In other words, this time around the ball is in their court to bring results to the table. President Bush’s pledge of supporting the emergence of a Palestinian State and Toni Blair’s comments when he said, “The second thing is, how do we get there (Palestinian Statehood), how do we enable the Palestinians to get there? We will do whatever it takes to help build support for that concept, to work through the details of it and make sure that it can actually be brought into being.” With such unprecedented support for the emergence of a Palestinian State, it is fair to say that if any upcoming peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israeli fail, the responsibility this time around rests on the shoulders of Israel and the ‘honest peace broker,’ the US.

If future peace initiatives fail there will be no more Palestinian ‘black sheep’ to blame. There are three possible scenarios that could take place. One, the US pushes for the installation of a puppet leader, in which case there would be no reason to blame him. Two, whoever the Palestinians elect as their new President will become a potential target in the case of failed peace negotiations. And finally the worst case scenario will be, for the US and Israel to put the blame on an entire nation, if this case ever materializes it will enter history as one of the worst jokes ever played on man kind, blaming an entire nation living under occupation. How ridiculous!

As Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, PLC member and Secretary General of MIFTAH, said a few months ago while visiting Capitol Hill, “No more transitions, no more excuses to delay negotiations… let’s go directly to final status negotiations, so that the occupation can end and peace can be brought to the Middle East.”

Are the US and Israel fit for this upcoming test? Only time will be able to tell!

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