Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

There have been some recent significant changes in Middle East politics in the past week. Changes in Israeli politics, Palestinian politics, US policies towards the PNA and even the Syrians have been singing a different tune.

In Israel, Ariel Sharon has undemocratically threatened that he would fire any Minister from his cabinet who opposes the budget he had proposed. If Shinui members (a secular party that opposes the budget) were to be fired, Ariel Sharon would be left with his 40 Likud Knesset seat party members who would become the only members of the government.

The current members of the Likud are largely split with most of them opposing the unilateral disengagement plan Sharon is so adamant to go ahead with. To make things even more controversial so-called dove, Yossi Beilin, chairman of the Yahad party abstained from voting on the budget, saving Sharon’s government from a certain collapse and a new call for elections.

Beilin claims that he has abstained in order to be in a better position when negotiating directly with Ariel Sharon on Yahad’s future support for the Sharon government. This move came as no surprise to many who know Beilin and his history as a leading Zionist but others; especially the Israeli peace and justice lawmakers expressed some shock and dismay. "Woe is Sharon and his government if he escapes no-confidence motions because of his most determined rivals, who never sat with him in the same coalition and never will," said MK Yossi Sarid, the former chairman of the Yahad party.

In Palestine, Hamas announced that it will not participate in presidential elections. So far there are four candidates which are officially on the ballet. A Fatah candidate, another, Bassam Salhi, from the Peoples Party, a candidate, Tayseer Khalid, from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Mustafa Barghouthi from the Mubadara. The majority of the votes are expected to be won by the Fatah candidate Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), unless a coalition is established by the left with one candidate nominated by the ‘Democratic Coalition.’

The US senate is expected to vote for aid to be given by the Bush administration to the PNA ahead of elections in order to pay the utility bill the PNA owes Israel. Some 20 million dollars is the proposed amount and the Bush administration has to lobby in order not to have the senate under the headship of the majority senate leader, Delay, Israel supporting Zionist, work against the largely symbolic amount being proposed under the pretext of ‘aid’ to the occupied Palestinian people.

Syria has been in the news again, reaching out to Israel and calling for negotiations without any preconditions. This extended hand for peace was capitalized upon by Norwegian diplomat Terje Rod Larson and Egypt. Egypt did offer to be a mediator between the two, but was quickly silenced, by Israel which radiated doubts regarding Syria’s intentions. Bashar AlAssad also asked Egypt not to mediate expressing that “because Israel knows fully what is required.”

These winds of change are never a negative thing. Change can bring about some breakthroughs or could further deter the situation which would one day necessitate a true change. Until that day, people will continue to wait for a responsible and brave leadership, on both sides, like those of the year 1993, to work as a team and bring about the long awaited “peace of the brave.”

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