Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

President Bush’s ‘strategist’ on the Middle East conflict, Elliot Abrams, has made some controversial statements to a gathering of scholars and Jewish leaders in which he stated that Jewish settlements outside the Wall will have to be dismantled. By making such a statement Abrams, in other words, is implying that Israel will be allowed to keep the illegal settlements built on Palestinian land, occupied in 1967 in breach of international law. This statement also recognizes the Wall as the future borders between the two states which are seeking peaceful co-existence through a deal agreed upon by both sides.

Ironically, this very controversial statement which further manipulates and skews international law and expectations has angered Israelis, since it implies that Israeli armed fanatics, also known as settlers, will have to dismantle the illegal structures and move from settlements built on the ‘Palestinian’, i.e. eastern side of the Wall. Palestinians on the other hand felt that this is not enough, since all settlements built on occupied land are illegal, and so is the Wall, which snakes through Palestinian-owned land and annexes 42% of the 22% of historic Palestine, which is the area occupied in 1967 and desired as the future Palestinian state and the basis for UN resolutions and a negotiated peace.

This arrogant approach in which the thief (Israel) has the upper hand and is dictating to the victim (occupied Palestinians) what he/she will give back, and that it is better than nothing, is a disastrous approach which not only insults the intelligence of peace-loving Palestinians and Israelis. It also undermines and disrespects the previous and current leaders of the world, international will and laws in general, and the USA in particular, which historically had a good understanding on the issue of occupation and the legality of settlements and other structures built on occupied land.

Edward Abington, former consul general in Jerusalem, phrased it well when he explained that “the statement that all settlements should be dismantled is an important clarification, […] it makes it less one-sided.” Unfortunately, advice from former consul generals, who served in Jerusalem and recognize the grave injustice which has been blindly supported by the ‘mediator’ (USA), is often ignored and rarely ever mentioned again.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on the Wall and decided that “the construction of the wall, and its associated regime, are contrary to international law” (para. 142), explaining that the Wall “severely impedes the exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination” (para. 122). Further, the Court unanimously ruled that the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, is occupied territory: “The territories situated between the Green Line and the former eastern boundary under the Mandate of Palestine were occupied by Israel in 1967…All these territories (including east Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of an occupying Power” (para. 78).

Israel claims that this Wall is temporary and that it will be dismantled, so while Israelis would not dare claim the Wall as borders, an official American strategist is doing that job for them. The ICJ did address this issue and was firm when stating that: “Whilst the court notes the assurances given by Israel that the construction of the wall does not amount to annexation and the wall is of a temporary nature, it nevertheless cannot remain indifferent to certain fears expressed to it that the wall and its associated regime create a ‘fait accompli’ on the ground that well could become permanent, in which case, and notwithstanding the formal characterization of the wall by Israel, it would be tantamount to de facto annexation” (para. 121).

The “fears” mentioned in the ruling are turning into facts with American politicians – many of whom are on AIPAC’s (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) payroll – taking the initiative in order to aid and abet a state above the law, a state which has destabilized the region with its occupation and left many mocking its blind ally, America, and its so-called democracy; for they know them from their actions.

Democracy as understood by the average human being is justice. It is equal opportunity and the indiscriminate implementation of the rules of humanity – the law. The USA is giving democracy, which is a noble and great idea in theory, a very bad name. America has been anything but an advocate of justice. On the contrary, it has cemented racism and hate towards countries and religions in the region simply because of lack of understanding or the lack of the will to stand strong in the face of injustice, and perhaps also for some additional reasons which are not the subject of this comment.

There is nothing brave about standing with the strong (the oppressor). America today might have the monetary and ‘liberty’ advantages, but it has lost respect for the average person in this day’s world. To earn the respect of an oppressed region, which has been at the receiving end of a grave injustice; America should dig back to its principled roots and seek the ‘honorable advantage’ which is based on humanity, equality and justice for all.

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