Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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On 18 January the “Jerusalem Post staff” published an article titled “Where the reporting stops”, a long piece with numerous anonymous sources, innuendos, intimidation, unsubstantiated allegations, and attempts at character assassinations, against Palestinian public figures as well as some of the largest media organizations in the world, the latter for being unprofessional and pro-Palestinian in their coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, among them the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Cable News Network (CNN), Agence-France Presse (AFP), Reuters, and Associated Press (AP).

Most of the blame is directed against individuals working for these organizations, many of them Palestinians. After being subjected to the article, the idea left behind with the reader is that Palestinians, many of them connected to the Palestinian elites – some with PLO affiliations, some ex-convicts, and other unspecified threats – have successfully infiltrated the western news organizations in order to produce and disseminate pro-Palestinian propaganda rather than facts.

The evidence provided in the article, however, is extremely flimsy. We believe that the state of Israel is losing its grip on the media and its control over the media, and that is why the Jerusalem Post resorts to such desperate tactics. Not that Palestinians are gaining control, it is in the very nature of the information age and of globalization – of more, faster, and more accurate information – that this is taking place. The Jerusalem Post, however, is trying to turn back the clock. It should perhaps consider joining this global movement, instead.

The direct misconduct cited is banal. One ex-AFP journalist is accused in the article, by an unnamed “coworker”, of – once (!) – having used her old employer’s fax machine with permission after she had quit her job with the French news agency to run for president of the PA.

The same journalist is also accused of being “on the PA’s payroll” while she was working for AFP. She wrote for the newspaper, Al-Ayyam, allegedly established and financed by the PA. In fact, it wasn’t and it isn’t. Other foreign media are also spuriously accused of letting their reports be “filtered” by Palestinians affiliated with “the PA or other political groups”.

The article does not mention the fact that most journalists today are freelancers, thanks to worldwide neo-liberal reforms. Incidentally, that is why there is now less investigative journalism, and more superficial reports, like the one to which we are referring.

Secondly, and more importantly, Palestinian journalists (only) are not issued with press cards by the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) since 2001. A recent Israeli High Court ruling has ordered the GPO to discontinue its discriminatory practice, but there has been no report yet of a Palestinian receiving the much-needed card. Consequently, Palestinian journalists are banned from Israel itself, and they may face insuperable obstacles within the Occupied Palestinian Territories, as well, at any one of the numerous Israeli army checkpoints, again partly because of articles like the Jerusalem Post one, which misleads Israeli soldiers (including commanders) to believe that Palestinian infiltration of the foreign news media is reaching alarming proportions.

In reality, Palestinian journalists, through the foreign news organizations, are much more likely serving the universal cause of human rights. Over three quarters of the killings in this Intifada have been killings of Palestinians on Palestinian land. The longest military occupation in modern world history, the illegal settlements, the illegal wall; there are enough newsworthy events and situations to report without politicizing the issues at all. Israeli journalists, many working for foreign news organizations, are covering the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Palestinian militants against Israelis on Israeli land in much the same way, but with (slightly) less coverage due to the fact that there are many fewer human rights violations happening in Israel.

The accusations get perverse when the Jerusalem Post starts blaming Reuters and AP for relying “almost entirely on footage provided to them by Palestinian crews covering events in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The material, distributed to thousands of subscribers worldwide, mostly focuses on Palestinians as victims of IDF operations; the cameramen decide from which angle to film and which material to send at the end of the day to their employers in Jerusalem.”

The reality is skewed out of recognition by this one-sided approach. Events in Israel covered by the organizations is filmed and edited by non-Palestinians, Israelis and foreigners. Events in Palestine, however, are filmed by Palestinians, but, crucially, edited by non-Palestinians, including many Israelis, in the west Jerusalem regional headquarters of the organizations. Less than a half of the employees in this whole equation consists of Palestinians, and the editing, the most important aspect of the reporting, indeed the “filtering”, is done almost entirely by non-Palestinians, many of whom are Israeli. If anyone should complain about this division of labor, it should be the Palestinians, and certainly not the Jerusalem Post. There are many more Israeli media professionals covering and commenting on the conflict than there are Palestinians. And many of these Israelis are reservists with the army. And in general, they are in higher places of the media organization hierarchies, as well.

The Jerusalem Post raises the question of why Dr. Hanan Ashrawi gets so much time on the air compared with other Palestinians. The reasons are quite simple: Ashrawi delivers facts and analysis truthfully, reliably, consistently, and convincingly, locally as well as internationally. But the article goes on to imply that nine-year CNN employee, Sawsan Ghosheh, a producer, has worked with Ashrawi, and that is why Ashrawi gets “so much” exposure. In fact, they have never worked together.

In an inaccurately worded broadside, the Jerusalem Post asks why “she appears on almost every program concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”. It is left up to the reader to decide whether this means on CNN or in general. In either case it is false. Paid Israeli spin doctors get much more coverage. But this obviously reveals a great problem for the Israeli pundits, they cannot pay anyone to be their Hanan Ashrawi.

Lastly, we would like to cite results of the most comprehensive survey of media freedom violations during the present stage of the conflict, the International Press Institute’s ‘IPI Intifada Report’. During the first four years of the uprising, IPI registered a total of 562 violations. Israelis committed at least 88.4 per cent of the media freedom violations. At least 85.1 per cent were perpetrated by Israeli authorities, including the army, the government, and the judiciary. At least 9.3 per cent were carried out by Palestinians. Out of the 12 killings, at least nine – seven Palestinian and two European journalists – were killed by Israeli soldiers. Two Palestinian journalists were assassinated by Palestinian militants, and one killing remains disputed. At least 95.8 per cent of all firearm attacks on journalists were perpetrated by Israelis. And 82.2 per cent of all cases in which journalistic records, including cameras, video cassettes, computer hard drives, etc., were confiscated and/or selectively destroyed were carried out by Israelis. We are not condoning a single one of the Palestinian violations of media freedom by making this point. In fact we have spoken up against both Israeli and Palestinian press freedom violations on several occasions. But these statistics speak unequivocally about where the biggest problems lie, and where the reporting really stops.

To view the original Jerusalem Post article: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1105992533340

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