Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The extreme right-wing Israeli cries to abandon the Gaza 'disengagement' plan of prime minister Ariel Sharon are becoming increasingly shrill. Among them, the argument is sometimes raised that evacuating Gaza would be 'rewarding Palestinian terror'. Nothing could be further from the truth. Evacuating Gaza (along with the West Bank) is something that the UN has ordered Israel, a UN member, to do since 1967. It was conquered then and gradually dotted with settlements built exclusively for civilians imported by the invaders, something that is expressly illegal under the Geneva Convention, another noble institution which Israel has joined yet continuously ignores. Rather, the Gaza Settler Compensation Bill, passed by the Israeli Knesset on February 16 and amounting to almost a billion US dollars, is the reward by the Israeli taxpayers to the Israeli aggressors for brutal aggression and crimes against humanity. There is a historical precedent: the payment of 20 million pounds by the British government in 1834 in compensation to slave-owners following the abolition of slavery.

Then as now, a huge sum of money was paid by the government because it feared that brutal and habitual violence by the criminals against the usual victims would be re-directed into violence against the government itself. The surviving victims of the systematic oppression, on the other hand – then as now – received nothing.

The Jewish settlers, 8,000 of them today, along with the 4,000 or so soldiers stationed there to protect them, occupy around 30 per cent of Gaza. Together the Israeli occupiers make up 0.5 per cent of the Gaza population today. The settlements were situated in order to bisect the territory into four non-contiguous parts, i.e. as a military strategy. The rest of Gaza is shared by more than 1.3 million collectively terrorized Palestinians. Those 70 per cent of Gaza are one of the most densely populated areas in the world today, and they are the scene of a humanitarian catastrophe, manufactured by the Israeli occupation.

The Palestinians in Gaza are completely surrounded by barbed wire and systematically at the mercy of the invaders whose hands regulate the water supply, the most precious natural resource in this hot and dry part of the world. Jewish settlers in Gaza were guaranteed a steady and ample water supply, enough to keep their swimming pools filled and lawns lush, whereas each Palestinian on an average would receive a fifth of what each settler receives, well below the minimum prescribed by the World Health Organization. Along with water, electricity, gas and fuel will also remain under Israeli control after its 'disengagement'.

During the occupation thousands of Gazans have been killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers – routinely and illegally, and with almost complete impunity. Nearly 2,000 Gazans were killed by Israelis in the last four-and-a-half years alone. More than 4,000 Palestinian homes in Gaza have been completely destroyed during this time. Sixty per cent of the Palestinian population in Gaza lives below the poverty line. Due to extreme closure policies by Israel, an estimated 40 per cent of the Gazan work force is unemployed. By comparison: during the depth of the 'Great Depression' in the USA in the 1930s, only 30 per cent of the US work force was unemployed.

The UN Human Rights Commission has concluded that Sharon’s 'disengagement' plan does not mean the end of military occupation of Gaza. In particular, Sharon intends to maintain exclusive Israeli military control over all borders, crossing points, territorial waters, and the entire airspace over Gaza. Israel has also reserved the right to militarily invade the territory under the undefined pretext of 'self-defense' (including 'preventive steps'), while simultaneously demanding that Gaza be 'demilitarized', with no means to protect itself from an Israeli invasion. Moreover, Sharon’s government announced this week that a new illegal settlement will be built to house Gaza settlers on Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank. So, where is the alleged reward for Palestinians?

There is none, just as there was none for the millions of slaves who enabled the British Empire to become the world's leading economic and financial power, as well as the premier military power. To call the Israeli withdrawal a 'reward' is as perverse as calling the abolition of slavery a reward. The Israeli 'disengagement' is not something for which Palestinians have any reason to pay a price, though they are sure to celebrate the pullout. It is something ridiculously overdue, just as the occupation and the settlements are something for which compensation should be paid to the main victims instead of the aggressors, as with the transatlantic system of slavery. We are not denying that a number of Israelis have been victimized by Palestinian attacks, but the responsibility for those attacks should at the very least be shared by the Israeli government, not only for illegally importing the settlers and illegally occupying the land militarily, or for provoking the indigenous population with numerous kinds of war crimes and atrocities, but also for knowingly sending its own people into harm's way. The way it looks now, the Gaza withdrawal will be a mere symbolic victory for Palestinians – the so far largest Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian land – and hopefully a sign of much more to come, again: not as a reward but as the beginning of the implementation of international law.

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