Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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In a recent article entitled “World Bank: Palestinians Should Pay for Israeli Checkpoints,” Emad Mekay uncovers a proposal by the World Bank which is in complete contravention to international and humanitarian law, any moral or ethical beliefs and, frankly, has no logical basis whatsoever. Initially, these statements might seem quite harsh; however, the reality of this proposal goes far beyond shocking audacity. In brief, this World Bank project proposes that the Palestinian National Authority pay for modernizing and updating illegal Israeli checkpoints, along the illegal Separation Wall, which is built on illegally occupied land, through so-called soft loans, in order to allow Palestinian goods and workers a faster review at checkpoints. For some cosmic reason, this proposal would help the Palestinian economy recover from its four and a half year slump.

Speaking to the International Press Service (IPS), Markus Kostner, the World Bank’s Country Programme Coordinator for the West Bank and Gaza said, “We had proposed a couple of crossings and Israel has more formally come back to us and asked whether we would help secure financing for these, which is why we have started to prepare a project.” The World Bank official then goes on to defend this proposal by saying “the project helps enhance the efficiency of the border crossings for the benefit of Palestinians…at least maintain if not increase the security considerations of Israelis. From that perspective it will be a double gain.”

To put these statements into any form of scientific context will be difficult. However, there are three realities that will hopefully prove that this proposed project is in fact an almost certain proposal for failure and injustice. The three parties concerned in this matter are the World Bank, the State of Israel and the Palestinian people, with their very limited Authority.

The World Bank, in essence, should be an impartial international development institution, working under the umbrella of the UN, conforming to its charter and, thereby, all international law deriving from it. As such, it has the legal obligation to:

  1. Promote international Peace and Security
  2. Assist nations in their task of economic and social development

The second party involved is the State of Israel (a member of the UN) which has, since its birth, been defiant towards any form of internationally regulated law and order. Since 1967 Israel illegally occupies Palestinian and Arab Land, maintains a continuous policy of building settlements on this land and, in recent years, has been building a Separation Wall on Palestinian land, virtually choking Palestinian people by the collar.

Then, there is Palestine, a nation which has yet to become a state, a people that have only known dispossession, oppression, occupation and racism as a form of rule. Palestinians, in reality, are reduced to nothing more than the receiving end of Israel’s illegal and prolonged occupation.

Bearing these realities in mind and context, it will be now possible to see what it is that infuriates Palestinians about the new world order they live in. In some respects, the recent statements by the World Bank and its proposal are the true embodiment of the failure of the international system. Instead of adhering to the International Court of Justice’s (another international body) advisory opinion on the Wall, which deems it illegal and calls on all states not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the construction and, finally, not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction.

The World Bank miraculously ignores all of these crucial points, and instead proposes to update these checkpoints for the sake of Palestinian daily life. Such projects are hardly conducive to any peace efforts, let alone economic development; they are rather an endeavor at institutionalizing this illegal Separation Wall through international institutions, which will make the PNA pay for checkpoints in the future through soft loans, which are only soft in name but rough in interest rates and repercussions.

The Separation Wall, along with its checkpoints, are simply illegal, wrong and utterly counterproductive. Palestinians do not need or deserve more modern Israeli security facilities to travel within and through the Occupied Territories. The Palestinians, and for that matter the Israelis, do not need a Separation Wall for security. If true security and economic development are at the heart of the World Bank proposal, it would have to look much different. An acceptable proposal from an international development institution would initially have to call on Israel to stop construction of the Wall and dismantle the already upright slabs of concrete. Then with concerns to economic development, the relation between checkpoints and economic development is simply an inverse relationship. The checkpoints must go in order for the Palestinian economy to grow and mushroom.

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