Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On Friday the 29th of March and only hours after Arafat's call for an unconditional immediate cease-fire; and the Arab peace proposal offering peace and security to Israel which was approved by all 22 Arab League members, Israel decides to declare the Palestinian leader an "enemy" and enforce a "vague" isolation policy on him.

A massive Israeli aggression was launched against the West Bank city of Ramallah and Arafat's Presidential Compound in Ramallah, where he lives and works. In preparation the Israeli offensive is utilizing a large number of soldiers, calling 20,000 reservists to serve during this "time of war," along with hundreds of tanks used during this military incursion.

The tanks attacked the Presidential compound and demolished most of it leaving Yasser Arafat trapped in two small rooms in an effort to humiliate the Palestinian leader. Palestinian TV and radio stations have been turned into military camps, the employees where held hostage as Israeli snipers where being placed atop of buildings in the city of Ramallah. Electricity has been cut off along with water. Many urban neighborhoods have had their phone lines cut leaving them trapped and isolated under the mercy of Israeli soldiers hiding in their tanks.

The international committee reacted, for the most part, through condemnation of the Israeli attacks and reoccupation of what is already occupied land. The EU has asked Israel to retreat, and the Arab world has viewed this attack as a response to their "extended" hand, which was reaching for peace just hours before the offensive. The UN Security Council has voted unanimously in favor of resolution 1402 that is calling upon Israel to withdraw its forces from Palestinian cities.

As for the US, they have once again turned a blind eye and offered a "muted" response to what is obviously American approved attack against Palestinians. Secretary of State Collin Powell shocked the world when he requested Arafat to "act against groups and arrest people responsible for attacks against Israel" while asking Sharon to practice "restraint and consider consequences" without any specific indication of what those consequences might be!! It is impossible to expect Yasser Arafat to be able to act against anything when he is trapped in two rooms under heavy Israeli fire. Powell, downplaying the gravity of the situation, gave reassurances that Arafat will not be harmed, which goes to show that America had given the green light for this military offensive. Many political analyses have contradicted the American statement deeming it as one sided; the voices of Cheney and Rumsfield, traditional Zionists in the American government, could be clearly heard in the Powell statement.

Several Arab leaders exerted pressure demanding the immediate withdrawal of Israeli military troops but were offered assurances that Arafat wont get harmed. Yasser Arafat is the leader of the Palestinian people and suffers just like the rest of the Palestinian population. American and Israeli guarantee concerning not harming the Palestinian leader is met with ridicule, for the whole Palestinian existence is in danger. Sharon does not have the will to make peace, and has expressed his war intentions when he refused the Arab peace proposal offered by his neighbors.

To end the violence and achieve security Israel needs to comply with UN and international laws and end the occupation. As the New York Times put it: "Military responses have caused only minimal interruption to the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure while fanning the flames of anger and resolve." The entire world including America views 1967 borders as a solution for the problem, but the question is when will Israel decides to go with peace? When will they teach their children to love and respect their neighbors who have made great concessions (1967 borders) and have chosen peace as their strategic long-term goal?

If the Israeli latest aggression is intended to bluff the Palestinians into "white flag" surrender, then they are gravely mistaken.

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