Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

When Sharon finally swaggers down the blood-reddened carpet to his trial at an international War Crimes Tribunal, other leaders aware of his intentions will not be immune to indictments of their own. Whether it be through direct declared support and encouragement of Sharon's genocidal tendencies or through deliberate omissions, these "leaders" will have to pay for the hundreds of lives they've taken, the thousands of others they've destroyed, and the millions of futures they've ravaged.

Scores of Palestinian bodies remain scattered throughout the cold, rainy streets and in dark corners of emptied buildings in Ramallah on this, the fifth day of the Israeli invasion of that city. Israeli troops "canned" in their Merkava tanks, Apache gun ships and armored vehicles have busied themselves terrorizing Palestinian citizens of the city, rounding up innocent men and boys of all ages and systematically humiliating them. Stories of the horrors Israel is inflicting upon the captive Palestinian population are slowly emerging despite the intense Israeli military-enforced censorship on reality. Trigger-happy Israel soldiers started out deliberately targeting the media (local and foreign alike) before announcing openly that they were not welcome. This deliberate blackout is intended to obstruct evidence that would reveal the savagery of this state and its army of terror. Even international peace activists have been threatened with deportation and worse, and some have been unlucky enough to learn first hand how dedicated Israel is in its mission to produce only its distorted version of reality. On numerous occasions, various Israeli spokes people appear on TV saying one thing or another while cameras and eyewitnesses simultaneously contradict them. When we see Israeli tanks in Tulkarm, for example, while an Israeli statement simultaneously declares that Israel has not entered the city, and when such outright lies are repeated constantly, one is inclined to wonder how this government has managed to survive on all these lies for so long.

The humanitarian situation in Ramallah is tragic. In one case, 60 local civilians (families, including 20 children under the age of 15) were rounded up from their apartments in a residential building and confined to the basement without food, water or electricity. Some Palestinian policemen were captured and executed in cold blood. Civilians have also been practically kidnapped are being used as human shields. Ambulance drivers and paramedics have suffered similar atrocities. In one case, five ambulances were intercepted and their crews ordered to undress and stand in the cold before they were arrested and their ambulances stolen by the army. Reporters have been shot and expelled. The infrastructure of the entire city has also been targeted: water storage tanks, electricity, international and local grassroots organizations and their offices, local landmarks, roads, office buildings, and of course homes.

Bethlehem and other cities now share the fate of Ramallah as troops invade them one by one, wreaking havoc on the infrastructure and terrorizing civilians with total impunity. The invasion of Bethlehem includes a religious dimension as well. Israeli soldiers have not only attempted to burn down a mosque, they have also shelled and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary as well as attacking and shelling a church. They have also shot and injured six nuns and killed a priest while attempting to storm their compound. The message is unmistakable and must be recognized for what it is: an attack on all that is non-Jewish. Just as non-Jews who attack Jews are accused of being anti-Semitic, the blame game is a double-edged sword. These Israeli measures are decidedly "anti-non-Semitic", and they are just as reprehensible as Western anti-Semitism of the 20th century. Shame on Sharon, who -under the guise of "fighting terrorism"- has indulged in ethnic cleansing and other horrendous acts of terror through his government and army.

The democratically elected President of the Palestinian people, Mr. Yasser Arafat, has been held hostage in his own headquarters in Ramallah as part of Sharon's endeavor to render him irrelevant and totally isolate him from the rest of the world. Sharon has made no secret of the fact that he would very much like to be rid of Mr. Arafat, and has repeatedly expressed his regret over having promised the US to spare Mr. Arafat's life. Today, he arrogantly suggested giving Arafat a "one way ticket" out of Palestine, as he and his predecessors had done to millions of other Palestinians since 1948. Unfortunately for him, the Palestinian president is now the single most relevant person in the Middle East if not the world, and his support is now at an all-time high in contrast with that of Sharon whose popularity has been steadily dwindling along with his credibility and sanity. Mr. Arafat has rallied the support of all factions within his own people and among Arabs and Muslims everywhere in part because he is now an icon who symbolizes the suffering of his people…a people who have long been deprived of their dignity and freedom at the hands of the same culprit who has denied Arafat his own. International volunteers have formed a human shield around the president and will now be able to counter the myths and lies propagated by the Sharon government and their allies; they are witnesses to the sins of occupation and the arrogance of power. Food and water are running out, and the fate of the president and those around him are entirely dependent on the whims of Sharon, a war criminal with the political capabilities and peace-making inclinations of a hungry shark.

International organizations and governments have failed miserably at hiding their hypocrisy and cynicism. United Nations Security Council Resolutions have been piling up one on top of the other, all collecting dust from the lack of any political will to hold Israel accountable or even bothering with the 7th Chapter provision for enforcement. The latest resolution (UNSC Res. 1402) that even the schizophrenic US leadership has signed has also been tossed aside and -like the rest- has already become an anachronism. Arab leaders once smugly secure in the pockets of the Americans are now in a bind, as daily angry demonstrations rock the streets of Cairo and elsewhere and chip away at their legitimacy. So while Mr. Bush mindlessly calls on Arafat to "end the violence," intelligent life moves forward to shake up the Middle East and threaten to end the lull produced by Oslo's empty promises as the people realize that an unjust peace is no peace at all. Meanwhile, here in Palestine, yet another generation is thinking to itself: "I am a Palestinian. I am surviving, and I will NEVER forget."

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