Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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On February 8, a ceasefire agreement between the state of Israel and the Palestinians was announced and celebrated. The news media tell us the ceasefire is holding. In July the Israelis will evacuate Gaza, which has been occupied since 1967, along with its illegal colonies there, housing around 8,000 Jewish settlers. If necessary, the settlers will be evacuated by force. The world is waiting with baited breath to see what will happen. But these are, in reality, more smokescreens than reflections of essential developments. The big news is unfolding so slowly, in such a multifaceted and seemingly disjointed way, that the news media do not take much notice. Only the history books will record this development with a context that connects events into a full picture, and by the time they are written and published, it will be too late to do anything to halt or reverse the current development.

It includes demolitions of two Palestinian homes yesterday and the killings of three Palestinian children last Saturday. It also includes, among other things, a recent decision by the Israeli government to add another 3,500 Jewish homes on occupied land despite its obligations under international law and the road map to peace in the Middle East, as well as the merciless construction of the Annexation Wall in defiance of last year’s international court ruling. It also includes a giant illegal waste dump for Israeli garbage, which is being constructed near the occupied Palestinian city of Nablus. The slow expansion of the Jewish state, the slow ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the expropriation of their land have continued almost unbroken since 1948.

Israel is the only state in the world that does not have internationally declared borders. It is also the only state that declares itself to be the home of an ethnic group rather than the home of its citizens. Nearly eighty percent of Israelis are Jews, and they are and have been treated preferentially by each Israeli government, in terms of housing, social services, employment, etc. The Israeli Basic Law proclaims the “Jewish character of the state” as does its Basic Law of Return, which guarantees Israeli citizenship for any Jew who wishes to immigrate. People of other ethnicities are not easily accepted. Palestinians from the territories militarily occupied by Israel are even forbidden from immigrating, even if they are married to Israeli citizens.

Over the last fifty-seven years Israel has turned a majority of the non-Jewish people who lived in Palestine prior to the establishment of the Jewish state into refugees now scattered around the world. Some three-and-a-half million Palestinians left in half of the area reserved for a future Palestinian state by the United Nations since 1948 are still unable to declare independence due to Israel’s illegal military occupation. Moreover, their land is still continuously being stolen from them, literally from under their feet, by the state of Israel. Whereas small blue dots representing Jewish settlements peppered the West Bank maps two decades ago, the situation has now reversed. There are instead small green dots of Palestinian National Authority areas, separated by settlements now housing nearly 400,000 illegal Jewish immigrants in Palestine, immigrants who do not even pay rent, and a constantly growing array of ‘security’-related army confiscations, including border zones, road networks, army bases, army prisons, army checkpoints and Wall zones. Like the Native Americans in Israel’s role model country, Palestinians are being pushed into constantly shrinking and increasingly disconnected reservations.

The Zionist project has gradually changed character in ideological terms since its inception in Central Europe during the late nineteenth century. During its first 100 years, Zionism was a predominantly secular and pragmatic movement, basing its definition of Jewry on a biological or racial understanding, much like the other European nationalisms that sprouted during that time. A Jew was someone who had a Jewish mother. Today, the state of Israel defines Jews much more widely, as anyone who has a Jewish grandparent, plus those who have converted to the religion. Judaism has thus become a missionary religion. The present target of the territorial expansion of the Jewish state is the West Bank, where there are archaeological traces of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judea, small states that appeared, disappeared and reappeared in Palestine during the first millennium prior to the Christian era. The western part of Palestine, the state of Israel in 1948, was the pivot for the ongoing conquest. It provided harbors for immigrant ships and international trade. Since then the territorial state has doubled in size, mainly in an eastward direction. Current Israeli policy is a continuation of this trend. In the meantime, Zionism has become more de-secularized, mainly perhaps in order to provide ideological ammunition for the Israeli claims to Palestinian land in the West Bank, i.e. east of the present state of Israel. This also means that Zionists have become even more zealous than before.

This is not conducive to peace, tolerance or a culture of human rights that are all so desperately needed in this conflict-torn region. The Zionist project continues to destabilize the region and the world. It is actively preventing and postponing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on permanent status issues. It is high time for the world to finally force Israel to decide on its borders, not unilaterally, but as a result of negotiations with those most affected by the decision – the Palestinian people. It is high time for Israel to compensate and recognize Palestinian refugees’ right to return back home after 57 years of forced exile, as required by international law. It is high time to stop all settlement activity and dismantle every settlement on occupied territory, as demanded by the international community and the Geneva Convention. It is high time for Israeli soldiers to really cease firing at and killing defenseless, unarmed and innocent Palestinian civilians. It is high time to put an end to Israeli expansionism and all of its ugly by-products.

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