Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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Recently, the Jerusalem Municipality began measures to demolish around 88 buildings, which are homes to more than 1,000 Palestinians, in the Silwan neighborhood of east Jerusalem. If the plan is followed through, it will be one of Israel’s largest home demolition acts in east Jerusalem since 1967. Uri Shetrit, the city engineer, claims the illegality of the buildings’ construction and the aim to restore the area to an historical and religious landscape as justification for the demolition plan. However, looking at the history of events that have surrounded this area, it is clear that this plan is just another attempt by Israel to annex more of Jerusalem, not only ignoring international law and peace agreements but also weakening any future Palestinian claims to the city that they see as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

The Silwan neighborhood is located below the Old City with some of the earliest homes dating from the 1940s and 1950s, prior to the establishment of the state of Israel and the illegal occupation of lands seized in the 1967 War. Even some of the recent homes were built on private land belonging to Silwan villagers. Yet, Shetrit cites a 1977 Israeli plan, which designated the area open public territory, most likely disregarding Palestinians’ historic rights and ownership to the property, and making any construction illegal. In regards to the homes built before 1967, Sherit says he does not want to demolish them, but intends to circumvent the statute of limitations, which forbids the razing of homes built more than seven years ago, even those without permits, by evacuating and barring residents from their homes in hopes of making it easier to destroy them in the future.

If vague, discriminatory and inconsistent legal actions are not enough to justify Israel’s annexation plan, Sherit further excuses the home demolitions based on Jewish religious foundations. He says he wants to “restore the area to its landscape of yore,” because the neighborhood is the location of “the beginnings of Jerusalem … [and] constitutes an entire archaeological entity in which all of the sites are interconnected.” Sherit’s ultimate plan is to turn the area into a national park, which would conveniently clear the area of all Palestinian residents adjacent to the Old City, expanding and connecting the Jewish blocs surrounding the district.

Throughout its occupation, Israel has consistently used the excuse that Arabs “build without permits” and “steal state land” to destroy Palestinian homes, which is an unfounded, bogus and blantantly discriminatory policy. But the policy goes further. Although on paper Israel’s land and property strategies are disguised as land designated as “open space” or “future green space,” the reality is that Palestinians, both citizens of Israel and those in the Occupied Territories, are rarely granted building permits based on the fact that they are Palestinian. Thus, Israel claims more land for itself and fosters its policy of quiet transfer, or annexation.

Also, while the legality of construction tactic is new, these annexation attempts in the Silwan neighborhood are not. For many years now, Israelis, particularly ultra-Orthodox Jews, have been trying to settle the area in some way or another, even through violent means. These groups have had the backing of hardline governments and foreign investors who have bought property in east Jerusalem in order to strengthen Israel’s hold on the area. And despite the status of Jerusalem as a sensitive issue in peace negotiations, Israel has consistently said it will never relinquish land it illegally occupies since the 1967 War.

Whether done quietly, as in the Silwan neighborhood, or blatantly, as in the construction of 3,500 housing units in the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Adumim, Israel defiantly disregards international law concerning its land rights and statehood as well as its peace negotiations with the Palestinians. The world stood by and watched similar tragedies take place in 1948 and 1967; is it not about time for the international community to step in and force Israel to comply with world agreements and ensure basic human rights and freedom for the Palestinian people?

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