Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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Israel today released another 400 Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the February 8 Sharm el-Sheikh ceasefire agreement with the Palestinian National Authority. The prisoner release had been expected in February, but until now Israel has delayed its promise. Altogether, 900 of 8,500 Palestinians held by Israel have been released since Sharm el-Sheikh, accounting for less than 11 percent of all prisoners held and arrested since the agreement. “Not enough,” say the Palestinians, who are also expecting Israel to withdraw some 8,000 illegal settlers from Gaza and the northern West Bank this summer, which is less than two percent of all illegal settlers. There are 420,000 illegal Israeli settlers currently living on stolen land in Palestine, and Israel is continuing to build more illegal homes for more illegal settlers in the West Bank. It is no wonder that Palestinians are still questioning the sincerity in Israel’s public commitments to achieve peace.

But are these prisoners not criminals for whom Israel is now bending over backwards to exonerate and grant amnesties in the interest of peace? Far from it! Since the release of 500 Palestinian prisoners in February, Israel has jailed around the same amount of Palestinians. Thus, there are still more than 300 Palestinian children in jail and more than 750 imprisoned Palestinians who do not even know why they are there. All they know is that they are under “administrative detention,” which means that the Israeli authorities have given themselves the right to keep ‘detainees’ as long as they wish. This goes against international law, but Israel does not care much about international law. It breaks it continuously, whether through settlements on occupied territory, the Annexation Wall, home demolitions, the use of forbidden weapons, the construction of illegal waste dumps, extra-judicial assassinations, etc. The Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, scrutinized some of the cases of administrative detainees held in the name of ‘security’ and delivered the following, damning indictment: “Security is interpreted in an extremely broad manner such that non-violent speech and political activity are considered dangerous … [This] is a blatant contradiction of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of opinion guaranteed under international law. If these same standards were applied inside Israel, half of the [governing] Likud party would be in administrative detention.”

Most of the 900 released prisoners had already completed most of their sentence and were set to be released within a short time. In the past, Israel has only released prisoners who had already served at least two-thirds of their sentences. 93 of those released today, however, had served less than this portion of their sentences. That is more than among those released in the first batch. Nevertheless, the Palestinians have no say about who should or will be released. Sofian Abu Zaydeh, the Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs, and other senior Palestinian officials have demanded that more prisoners be freed immediately if Israel really wants confidence building.

Although some forms of torture are outlawed by Israel, it remains rife in Israeli jails. Not even women or children are spared. 99 per cent of all prisoners are subjected to torture; 178 have died as a result of torture, extra-judicial assassination or medical negligence after being taken into custody. The general conditions in the prisons are unsatisfactory or intolerable. On several occasions, Palestinian prisoners have launched hunger strikes against some of the many deplorable conditions under which they are held.

What is happening to Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo Bay prisoners held by the United States is partly known to the world due to journalistic freedoms and possibilities in western countries. But nothing is known publicly about the worst abuses in Israeli jails. All we know is that they are routine, and they indeed match the horrors of U.S. detention centers.

Today’s release of 400 prisoners is a welcome move and a step in the right direction. However, it remains far too few. More Palestinian prisoners must be released for justice and peace to finally be achieved.

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