Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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The Palestinian people and the Israeli people share the common aims of long-term peace, long-term security and prosperity. The two peoples should have been able to become allies against their common enemy, the Israeli expansionist establishment. This, at the moment, has been rendered impossible by the success of the Israeli establishment in instilling the fear of the Palestinians in the minds of the Israeli people (for more on the subject please write to cleibovi@shawbiz.ca ). The expansionists know well that with the military power they command and with the tacit, sometimes explicit, support of the US, there is only one possible obstacle to the realization of their aims. This possible obstacle is the Israeli people who are much more interested in security then in expansion. That is why the Israeli establishment find it so important to brainwash the Israeli people so as to increase the distance between the two peoples. This is their way to ensure the perenniality of their rule. To that effect, they do not hesitate to provoke the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance organizations, into committing actions which would result in increasing still more the distance between the two peoples. We must be careful not to fall into the Israeli political traps. The best way to foil them, and to progress on the road towards the satisfaction of the Palestinians aspirations, is to adopt a strategy which aims at reducing the distance between the two peoples, thus estranging the expansionists from the Israeli people and leading to the toppling of the expansionist leaderships and their replacement by an Israeli leadership genuinely interested in peace rather than in expansion.

I will call "the strategy" the one developed in "Stumbling blocks". Any day that passes without the strategy being implemented by the Palestinians, is a day lost by the Palestinian people, and a day gained by the expansionists who get a practical free hand from the Palestinian leaders to go on increasing the number of the Jewish settlements and to enlarge them.

We must stop to react to the actions of Sharon and start to take the fate of our people, the Palestinian people, in our own hands. Let then Sharon have to react to the implementation of our strategy.

The key of success is to find ways to reduce the distance between the two peoples, which means finding ways to reduce the fears of the Palestinians as perceived by the Israeli people.. In this respect, is wise and correct everything that contributes to reducing the distance of the two peoples. Is foolish and incorrect anything we do which increases the distance between the two peoples. This applies to speeches, to writings, to demonstrations, to declarations etc... This applies to the constitution which must be considered as a weapon in the struggle against expansionists.

This means that, from now on, no one step can be considered in isolation of the great design which is the reduction of the distance between the two people. Also, our focus is now dictated by strategic considerations. While some people could say that constitutional matters can be decided later, after the creation of the Palestinian state, we must consider the strategic value of considering those constitutional questions now, rather than much later.

Let us take for instance that part of the draft constitution issued by the Palestinian Authority and mentioning that Palestine is an Islamic country and that its legislation will take its inspiration from the "shariya islameya". I know a number of Palestinians who would have preferred to find in the constitution an affirmation of the secular character of the Palestinian state.

I will leave the two sides debate the matter and resolve it whenever they decide to do it. But just now, I am not interested in the merits and demerits of the two positions. I am interested to know whether, from the strategic point of view, the matter should be decided now, and how from the strategic point of view, should it be decided..

The fact is that Israel, in an aggressive war, occupied the west bank and the Gaza strip. The military victory was that of the Israeli army. Israel then followed a policy of expansion. based on land confiscation and on persecution of the Palestinian people.

How should we address the international public opinion? Should we ask the respect of religious texts, or should we rather demand the respect of the secular Geneva Conventions and that of the many UN secular decisions violated by Israel?

If we decide that religion should be the base of decisions, we do strengthen the Israeli religious people who find in their sacred books the mention that the land of Palestine is theirs, and that the Jews should eliminate their enemies without pity.

If we, the militarily vanquished people, ask for a religious solution, we are giving some credence to the Israeli victors' to use whatever pleases them in their bible. Of course we can challenge the Israeli interpretation of the Bible, but nothing can compare in clarity and justice to the secular Geneva conventions.

What about the legislation in free Palestine, a Palestine owing no allegiance to Israel or to any other country, a Palestine in which the people are the masters of their own destiny? Should the inspiration of the legislation be the "shariya Islamaya"?, should the state be proclaimed as being Islamic? Should the Palestinian intentions be proclaimed now?

I will consider the questions from the strategic point of view. The Christian Palestinians are as loyal to their country as the muslim Palestinians. However much the muslim leaders will try to demonstrate that a muslim state will be so tolerant with the Christians, that they will feel just as at home in the Islamic state as in a secular state, the fact remains that the Christians will feel as second class citizens in an Islamic state. This weakens the unity of the Palestinian people and is therefore today a source of weakness for the Palestinians. The Palestinians cannot afford to add to their difficulties, that of disunity, that of an internal weakness.

I am not saying here that I am against Palestine being an Islamic state. I am just saying that strategically, it would be a gross mistake, a gross neglect of the interests of the Palestinian people, will weaken the people and delay, if not eliminate, the possibility of satisfying the Palestinian aspirations.

In discussions with muslim friends, they replied to me "Allah wakbar". The fact is that Allah seemed till now to favor the Israeli expansionists. Might it not be that Allah has decided to help the Palestinians, only when they will help themselves with a correct strategy? "Allah wakbar" means that we essentially count on Him. Should we not do something wise which will then encourage Allah to be more powerfully on our side? Then I mention the matter of the "shariya islameya". Here also it is a divisive matter. I suggested to my audience that the draft constitution could instead, mention that the legislation will take its inspiration from the moral values common to the three great religions of the region. For having suggested that, I was recently strongly applauded by a religious Palestinian audience. They liked so much my suggestion that they did come one by one to the podium to hug me. This should prove to the Palestinian Islamic leaders that the Palestinian people, in its collective wisdom, cares for the unity of the people, cares for a strategic criteria in everything we do.

I would like now to write about the strategic importance of secularism from the international point of view. It is a fact that the S.I. (shariya islameya) has a very bad reputation. This is due to two main factors:

1) The people criticizing the shariya are doing it relying on its application in some arab states. This application does not necessarily respect the spirit of S.I. Those critics, even when they know arabic, rely on quotes often taken out of context. They forget that there is in the Bible passages that are totally unacceptable today. Had I to chose between the S.I. , the Koran and the Bible, I would any day prefer the Koran. Just as an example, a disobeying and arrogant child should, according to the Bible be stoned to death. Nothing the like in the Koran.

2) What redeems the Bible is that most of its followers accept to take it in its historic context. It is in this way that Jewish scholars have given an humanist twist to the Bible, a twist that brings the Bible in tune with human progress, taking into account that the society of today is so different from the society of yesterday.

It is the dominating opinion of the non-Islamnic population, and of a number of muslim scholars, that the S.I. was valid at its time. But today, secular humanist civilization, as represented for instance in the Geneva conventions, is what S.I. would adopt if inspired by the true spirit of tolerance, and the respect for knowledge found in the Koran, were taken as guides.

Let me take for instance the verse in the Koran saying that Allah is the one that knows the gender of the child in the mother.'s womb Today, the gender of the foetus can be known with certainty in the early stages of pregnancy. Does this mean that the Koran was wrong? Certainly not. The Koran did not say that Allah is and will remain the one. It was true at the time and was said at the time. But today is another time. What the Koran underlined was the respect for knowledge, and knowledge is mainly secular.

The Palestinian Islamic leaders have the choice of either stick to their demand of legislation inspired by S.I., therefore weakening the internal unity of the Palestinian people, and increasing the distance between the Palestinian people and the Israeli people, or accept that the legislative inspiration should come from the common moral values of the three main religions. This should be that much easy for the Muslim leaders to accept, that the Koran, at no place, condemns the moral values of Judaism and Christianity.

In short, secularism can be used as one of the weapons in the endeavor to isolate the Israeli expansionists.

Many more statements could be inserted in the draft of the Palestinian constitution which together with proper policies of the Palestinian political leaders, could indeed shake the Israeli people out of its blinders. Please refer to "stumbling blocks".

Finally, one should remember that a secular Palestinian state would certainly not be anti-Islamic. The founding fathers of the United States were people deeply religious and had a total belief in the Bible having been inspired by God ". Still, having considered the history of the consequences of religion's intervention into politics (one of them being the Crusades), and with respect for other religious minorities, they opted for the separation between state and religion. This does not prevent religion to have an overwhelming influence on the Bush administration.

By the Same Author
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