Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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On August 3rd the International Crisis Group (ICG) a Brussels based non-governmental organization working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict around the globe released its latest report on the ever-changing status of Jerusalem. The report entitled ‘The Jerusalem Powder Keg’ outlines in very vivid detail the concentrated, systematic and continued attempts by the State of Israel to change the socio-economic-political status, as well as the demographic and geographic structure of the Holy City. The status of Jerusalem and more importantly the future of the city is being shaped, while the world at large concentrates and scrutinizes the historically deemed unilateral Gaza disengagement plan, now just days away from its physical and practical implementation.

On many occasions the notorious Israeli Prime Minister has been vocal about his views and reservations to the implementation of the so-called ‘peace process’. For Sharon and his cabinet the ‘Unilateral Gaza Disengagement Plan’ has been devised for the sole purpose of simply strengthening Israel’s hold on Jerusalem and the West Bank at large. The ICG report begins with a detailed analysis of the geographic boundaries of Jerusalem pre-1948, and how the State of Israel has systematically changed its boundaries, especially following the 1967 war, in which Israel illegally annexed east Jerusalem and proclaimed it the eternal and undivided capital of Israel. For example in its 38 year occupation of Jerusalem, Israel has added some 70km2 stretching deep into the West Bank, as well as Israel proper, which enlarged the city’s surface area to 108 km2, amounting to double the size of its original surface area pre-1967.

According to Israel’s leading Jerusalem specialist, all the measures undertaken, as well as the occupation of the entire West Bank, serve Israel’s demographic and geographic ambitions, “The central principle that guided the authors of the 1967 toward annexation was to add as much territory to the city as possible…while at the same time holding the additional Arab Population at a minimum.” Similarly, the prominent Palestinian Spokesperson, Palestinian Legislative Council Member and Secretary-General of MIFTAH, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, recently warned representatives of the Diplomatic corps in the West Bank that Israel was in a mad rush to create new facts on the ground effectively, “maximizing geography while minimizing demography.”

Adding insult to injury, with complete arrogance and disregard to human life and dignity, Israel is continuing the construction of its Annexation and Segregation Wall, which will ultimately leave Palestinians with 12 % of historic Palestine to conduct their lives in. The Annexation and Segregation Wall will incorporate Israel’s three largest settlements namely Ma’ ale Adumim, Gush Etzion and Ariel which will practically seal off Jerusalem from Northern, Eastern and Southern contiguity with the West Bank, and potentially cut the West Bank in half. Furthermore the Jerusalemite residents of Kufur Aqab and the Shufaat refugee camp (Palestinians) which amount to over 50,000 residents will be cut off from their city and the services they have a right to as its residents. The Incorporation of Ma’ ale Adumim, to what will become Greater Jerusalem as part of the E-1 plan will rid the West Bank from any form of possible land contiguity with its Arab environs.

All these frightening facts and figures presented by the ICG report concerning the endangered status of Jerusalem and the Peace Process are being over shadowed by what Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hailed as a ‘historic step forward,’ when she referred to the Unilateral Disengagement Plan from Gaza.

Finally, the world at large must not stand idle in front of this blatant and audacious land grab that Israel is perusing, which risks ending any form of a just and comprehensive peace solution that would benefit the world at large. It must be made clear that Prime Minister Sharon’s plans concerning the peace process are a selfish one-sided proposal that have no bearing in a reality that purports to embrace peace and demands an equal and just appraisal of the needs of all the people that live on the land that was once Palestine and is now broken into two new entities of Israel and occupied Palestine.  One held by a people that have certainly suffered but now cause suffering to a people that never historically had done them any harm.  This surely is something the world should protest vehemently and exert every effort to counter.

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