Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

For the Palestinian people all that's left is a faint sense of hope buried deep inside. The belief that while Israel may strip Palestinians of everything, hope is the one thing they could never seize or control. Encouraged, though ever cautious, Palestinians eagerly await President Bush's vision for peace and the possibility of, at the very least, an interim Palestinian state. With such speculation being widely spread comes the news that not only will Israel refuse outright any such proposal, no matter where it comes from, but further that they intend to "respond to acts of terror by capturing PA territory," according to an Israeli statement. There they will remain until they have crushed all Palestinian will to resist occupation.

During this occupation Palestinians can expect to be treated as criminals, as they are placed under house arrest and shot should they dare to look outside a window. The problem with Israel's response is that they are going after the innocent, as suicide bombers continue to show Israel that they are capable of acting no matter how much Israel tightens its grip on Palestinians. Second, Israel is created an environment conducive of even more suicide bombings, as that becomes the attractive choice to those who have lost all hope and will to live.

Too often focus is placed on the suicide attacks themselves, but seldom is their discussion about the causes and utter desperation, which lead the individuals responsible for these acts to commit them. While suicide bombing can never be condoned as they shatter and shake the very essence of our humanity, what remains more terrifying are the developments that have brought us here. This dire situation is brought on by Sharon's murderous policies aimed at destroying the lives of Palestinians, which leads to the dangerous and unfortunate outcome that certain individuals feel the attacks are the only way out.

Such an attempt at understanding the psyche of suicide bombers has lead Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to comment that "as long as young people feel they have got no hope but to blow themselves up, you are never going to make progress." Wasting no time, Israel interpreted, incorrectly, her remark as condoning suicide bombings and the Prime Minister fearing political pressure and bad press sprung into damage control. However, a closer look at Mrs. Blair's statement reveals that at its heart lies the understanding that when anyone is deprived of all hope and the walls come crashing down, what is morally right or wrong becomes unceasingly blurred and a person can be driven to commit reprehensible acts.

Similarly, Ted Turner, vice chairman of AOL Time Warner, remarked that while on one hand Palestinians 'terrorize' Israelis with suicide bombs. On the other hand "the Israelis ... they've got one of the most powerful military machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing. So who are the terrorists? I would make a case that both sides are engaged in terrorism." His remarks were quickly slammed by Israel as stupid within the same day in which Michael Kliener, a far-right legislator, commented that "for every Jew who is buried as a result of an attack, we must make sure 1,000 Palestinians are killed." Clearly what is foolish is the failure to grasp the roots from which 'terrorism', a word all too easily flaunted by Israelis, flows.

So, the hope left is not that of one day being free, but rather the hope that the real issues behind the violence are uncovered. Hope that Israel's spin machine would no longer be taken at face value and realizing that Israel is just as guilty, if not more so, of the terrorism exclusively attached to Palestinians.

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