Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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Recent events in Israel proper and the Occupied Palestinian Territories reinforce the Palestinian doubt that Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle-East, but rather a racist state with an utterly horrendous and appalling human rights record. To begin with, the premise that settlers are responsible and accountable for their own acts is simply false. Right wing extremist settlers are a product of Zionism as an ideology and Israel as an exclusively Jewish expansionist State. Palestinians have been reminded far too often of how viciously potent Israeli settlers are, the most recent example of which took place in the illegal settlement of Shiloh, when a settler brutally killed four Palestinian workers in cold blood. This incident was preceded by another hideous crime, when an Israeli soldier/Jewish settler killed four Palestinians carrying Israeli citizenships in the Arab Israeli city of Shafa Amer.

Attacks by settlers against Palestinians are not isolated incidents that take place erratically or on an add hoc basis, they are frequent in occurrence that sadly enough no western media outlet or news agency choose to highlight. It should be emphasized that this latest attack was not just an isolated incident, nor was it the work of a "crazed individual" acting alone. It was rather nurtured by and is directly related to a general culture of anti-Arab sentiment and racism prevailing inside Jewish Israeli society that has grown particularly intense in the weeks leading up to the 'Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza.' Furthermore, it should be stressed that the extremism permeating amongst settlers emanates from the fact that the occupation and settlements has made settlers act above the law, with blessings and support from the State of Israel.

The issue of settler violence especially in a state (Israel) that not only promotes illegal settlements, but rather finds it ideological basis rooted in the notion of settlements and settlement expansion, is a very dangerous ideology based on supremacy and colonialist philosophy. According to the Palestine Monitoring Group in the month of June alone, there were 67 reported incidents of settlers attacking innocent Palestinians. The previous months of April and May saw both respectively 58 and 68 such attacks. Incidents such as Baruch Goldstein's massacre of 29 Palestinian civilians at the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron represent a deep wound in Palestinian psyche, and are unfortunately one of many incidents that take in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel proper.

With the 'Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza' entering its sixth day, the forceful eviction of settlers has been a relatively tough job for Israeli authorities, which stands as a testimony for firstly the extremism present amongst settlers, secondly the power this constituency has within Israel and thirdly the danger these settlers pose to any just and comprehensive peace with Israel. One only needs to remember the killing of the former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, for his pursuit of a peace process with his Palestinian counterpart the late President Yasser Arafat. Israeli PM Rabin was killed for simply engaging in a peace process with Palestinians.

To be blunt, Israeli settlers are dangerous people, with dangerous ideological principles. The fact that these settlers are continuously promoted, supported and endorsed through financial support, weapons and political legitimacy by the State of Israel whether being lead by a Labor or Likud government raises the vital question, of whether genuine and lasting peace can be achieved with the State of Israel. Even though several Israeli officials have openly condemned the recent upsurge in settler violence against Palestinians, including the notorious Ariel Sharon, is simply not enough. Simple condemnation should be transformed into a concentrated effort by Israeli police to bring the perpetrators of these hideous crimes to justice. Further more the international community can do its share to protect innocent Palestinian civilians, through the incorporation of human rights into all their official diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, as well as pressuring Israel to comply with several UN resolutions pertaining to the illegality of settlements. Then, and only then, will true peacemaking be made possible.

Finally, the world at large and especially the Mideast Peace Quartet should not be deceived by the 'Unilateral Disengagement form Gaza,' they should rather open their eyes to the continued settlement activity and expansion taking place in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

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