Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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The most dynamic force in Israeli politics today is the Jewish settlement movement. By nature, it is the fundamental revolutionary element of political Zionism whose continuity pre-empts final status negotiations and increasingly undermines the chances of a political solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Since Israel’s occupation of the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip in the June 1967 War, consecutive Israeli Governments (both Labour and Likud) have embarked on a crusade of relentless colonisation of the occupied territories, in violation of international law; most notably the provisions of the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949 and UN resolutions 242 and 338.

Unconditionally sustained by both political and economic support by the Israeli political establishment since 1967, Israel has constructed a total of 167 settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories; 146 in the West Bank (including 12 major settlements in Palestinian-east Jerusalem), and 21 in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s confiscation of hundreds of thousands of acres of Palestinian land has paved the way for the construction of these illegal settlements.

The population of Jewish settlers throughout the occupied Palestinian territories has reached an alarming total of 416,800 since 1967 (224,224 in the West Bank, 185,000 in east Jerusalem, and 7,576 in the Gaza Strip). Meanwhile, the indigenous Palestinian population of the occupied territories totals 3.8 million (2.4 million in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, and 1.4 million in the Gaza Strip).

While the Israeli Government is on the verge of completing the implementation of its unilateral “disengagement,” it is exploiting the current situation by simultaneously attempting to complete the isolation of east Jerusalem from the rest of the occupied territories, particularly at a time in which international political efforts and global media attention are directed towards the redeployment of Jewish settlers and the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip and parts of the northern West Bank. In effect, Israel is cutting off more than 200,000 Palestinian Jerusalemites from their social, political, and economic livelihood.

Israeli authorities have recently confiscated more than 1,585 dunnums (approximately 400 acres) of Palestinian land in east Jerusalem: 87 dunnums (22 acres) from the Mount of Olives neighbourhood, 477 dunnums (119 acres) from Al-Izariyyah neighbourhood, 809 dunnums (202 acres) from Abu Dis neighbourhood, and 212 dunnums (53 acres) from Al-Sawahra Al-Sharqiyyah neighbourhood.

The confiscated areas are intended to facilitate the continued construction of Israel’s separation wall around Ma’ale Adumim settlement in east Jerusalem, in a clear attempt to significantly expand the settlement and practically incorporate it into the municipal boundaries of the city. In effect, the wall around Ma’ale Adumim will stretch 14 km. deep into the West Bank; annexing a total area larger than the city of Tel Aviv itself.

Through the confiscation of these areas, Israel plans to add 25,000 settlers to Ma’ale Adumim’s existing population, which currently stands at 30,000. Construction is already underway to add 2,100 housing units, which will absorb approximately 10,000 new settlers. The Israeli Government has also approved the construction of an additional 3,500 housing units under the so called “E-1 Plan,” which could absorb an estimated 15,000 settlers.

The construction of the latter (3,500 housing units) had been frozen following a request by the US; however, with the recent confiscation of the mentioned areas, Israel is in defiance of both the Bush Administration and international law.

These dangerous measures will effectively fulfil Israel’s pre-meditated plans to (1) isolate east Jerusalem from the West Bank by encircling the city with settlement structures and the separation wall, (2) put an absolute end to its territorial contiguity with the rest of the Palestinian territories, and (3) tip the demographic balance of Jerusalem in favour of Israel by sustaining a Jewish majority through the incorporation of Jerusalem’s illegal settler population, consequently undermining the Palestinian position in any future negotiations on final status issues.

These developments clearly underline, once again, Israel’s blatant violations of previous agreements, in particular the key provisions of the Road Map, which unequivocally stipulates that neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority must take unilateral steps that pre-empt final status negotiations, and that Israel must freeze settlement construction and expansion, including natural growth.

Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip should not be carried out at the expense of increased settlement activity in the West Bank. These destructive measures are a clear indication that the Israeli Government is using its disengagement from Gaza as a cover to consolidate settlement construction and expansion in the West Bank, especially in, and around, the city of Jerusalem.

Israel’s attempts to mislead the international community into accepting its legal obligations to withdraw from the Gaza Strip as a “painful compromise” must be exposed; the settlements in Gaza (and the West Bank) should not have been constructed in the first place, they are illegal, and their removal is merely a partial reversal of the atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian people throughout the past 4 decades.

A viable Palestinian state cannot be established on fragmented territories in the West Bank (and the Gaza Strip); all of the Gaza Strip and all of the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, are classified as occupied territory under international law, hence their geographical contiguity forms the basis of the future Palestinian state. These latest measures by Sharon’s Government will destroy the very foundations of peace, as the dismantling of Jewish settlements and the return to the June 1967 boundaries are an essential pre-requisite to the two-state solution.


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