Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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In front of the eyes of the world the State of Israel has successfully carried out its ‘Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza,’ while it has simultaneously and silently embarked on the ‘Unilateral Engagement in the West Bank.’ The world at large has been so consumed through the international media hype surrounding the ‘Unilateral Disengagement,' that Sharon’s Cabinet has been able to quietly but relentlessly go on in full force with its attack on the West Bank and most notably the quiet annexation of east Jerusalem. With these two sets of policies pursued by the State of Israel being completely non-conducive towards a genuine peace between Israeli’s and Palestinians, the ‘Peace Process’ as we once new it has been so derailed, that in effect the Palestinian National Authority has been reduced to mere recipient of Israeli policy. It is exactly at times such as these, where three vital questions need to be asked: (1) Can the 'Peace Process' still be saved? (2) What does the 'Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza' represent in terms of peace making? (3) What will true and genuine peace making require?

To begin with, it is in MIFTAH’s view that no matter how grave the situation is in the Palestinian territories, especially after 38 years of gruesome occupation, genuine peace is still achievable and within reach. However, there is no miracle cure or remedy to put the derailed peace process back on track, it will rather require a great deal of effort on behalf of the parties directly concerned and the international community to redirect Israel in to a mutually agreed framework (Road Map) on which future negotiations can be based on. For a genuine ‘Peace Process’ to be revived after being dormant for nearly five years, the international community and in specific the UN Quartet need to face up to Israel’s consistent and continued human rights violations as well Israel’s complete disregard of legally binding international law and legitimacy. Once this prerequisite has been met, can the ‘Peace Process’ be put back on track. The PNA and in specific President Mahmoud Abbas have been engaged in a diplomatic campaign trying to mobilize the international community to force Israel to realize that political negotiations are the only feasible alternative, and not increased settlements or a ‘Wall’ or the continued occupation of Palestinian land and people.

The internationally awaited and acclaimed ‘Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza’ sadly represents a blow to a genuine ‘Peace Process.’ Firstly and most importantly, because Gaza will remain an occupied territory with fears that it might become the world largest open air prison, as stated by the Special Envoy for the UN Human Rights Commission, John Dugard. Till now, the pending questions raised by the PNA concerning Gaza’s border crossings, as well as sovereignty over Gaza’s airspace and its territorial waters, have yet to be answered by the Sharon cabinet. Secondly, there is the diametrically opposite ‘Unilateral Engagement in the West Bank.’ In brief the ‘Unilateral Engagement in the West bank’ is what lies beneath the smokescreen of the ‘Gaza Disengagement.’ While Israel dismantled all 21 settlements in Gaza, it simultaneously strengthened its strong hold on the West Bank. In reality this means that; over 2500 dunums of Palestinian Land have been illegally confiscated from both east Jerusalem and the West Bank, to expand existing settlements most prominently its largest settlement, namely Ma’ale Adumim, coupled with the continued construction of the horrendous and monumental ‘Annexation and Segregation Wall’ which will choke Palestinians in the West Bank into three Bantustans and annex Arab-east Jerusalem to Israel proper. Thirdly, is fact that the ‘Disengagement from Gaza’ was a unilateral measure that pre-empts ‘Final Status Issues’ and more so has nothing whatsoever to do with the notion of negotiations and compromise or concessions.

With all the above mentioned analysis, the final question remains. What needs to be done to bring about genuine peace, which will benefit both Israelis and Palestinians alike? The United Nations and in specific Secretary-General Kofi Annan, need to be more vocal in upholding the principles of the international legal system. Furthermore, it would be a good a start if in his next visit to Palestine SG Annan actually visits the ‘Annexation and Segregation Wall’ to comprehend and digest, what it is to have a 9 meter high ‘Wall’ cave in an entire population. The European Union and Russia on their behalf, can play a vital role in pressuring Israel to halt its arrogant and inhumane policy of unilateralism. However, sadly since the UN Quartets first meeting in July 2002 the effective role played by the EU and Russia has been close to minimal. Then there is the final and most powerful member of the UN Peace Quartet the United States of America. With the US’s image in the Middle-East being at an arguably all time low, this US administration in specific would do itself a lot of good if it became true to its name, as an impartial mediator. This would require from this U.S Administration more than mere lip service condemnation of Israeli violations, but rather a concentrated effort to use its vast influence on the State of Israel to achieve a genuine and lasting peace, which would incidentally benefit the U.S as well.

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