Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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Under the “courageous” leadership of Prime Minister Sharon, the State of Israel implemented the internationally acclaimed “Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza” with a minimum of fuss. On various occasions, MIFTAH has explicitly warned the international community of this smokescreen. The withdrawal from Gaza and four settlements in the northern West Bank is, in fact, little more than a sideshow to divert attention from Israel’s continuing land grabs in the West Bank. Most notably, the quiet annexation of Arab east Jerusalem continues unabated.

Now that the game – and it is nothing more than a game – of “Disengagement” has been played to perfection, it seems PM Sharon is looking for any opportunity to elevate his status among the Israeli public. Rather paradoxically, the one-time hardliner, Sharon, has now been pushed to the center of the Israeli political spectrum, especially as prominent figures like Binyamin Netanyahu continue to publicly disapprove of the disengagement and call on the PM to strengthen Israel’s stranglehold in the West Bank. Is that not, however, precisely what PM Sharon has been doing all along, the disengagement notwithstanding?

Sharon has won plaudits internationally at the recent United Nations annual General Assembly meeting for his “courageous and bold step” (the disengagement). In his speech at the General Assembly, PM Sharon turned up his “peaceful” rhetoric when he said, “…Palestinians are entitled to their own state and we have no desire to rule them…”

Yet exactly two days following his speech at the UN, and seemingly out of the blue, the notorious Sharon told reporters of the New York times that he would undertake every effort to disrupt the upcoming Palestinian Legislative elections should Islamic groups join as they have pledged.

When asked about the possibility of Hamas joining, the PM had this to say about the Palestinian National Authority’s efforts to hold elections: “We will undertake every effort not to help them...I don’t think they can have elections without our help.” PM Sharon went on further to warn Hamas, “I said in the clearest way possible that we completely oppose Hamas’ participation in the elections as long as they haven’t given up their weapons”.

All that can be inferred from these inflammatory statements by Sharon is that the PM is looking for any opportunity to ruin or obstruct the democratic process in Palestine. But as a separate entity and a signatory to the UN Charter, Israel is obliged to adhere to the principle of non-intervention.

Furthermore, President Abbas has already called for the disarmament of all Palestinian factions – not just Hamas – following the Legislative elections in January. The most crucial point is why Sharon should choose to oppose the inclusion of controversial factions such as Hamas in the political process. Disallowing Hamas, or Islamic Jihad for that matter, will only hinder these parties from joining the mainstream, and thereby obliging them to shed some of their more extremist elements.

On the other hand, Palestinians – the Palestinian National Authority in particular – have been “generously” returned their territory, yet it is far from being free. Gaza may be free of settlements and military installations, but Gaza’s borders (land, sea and air) are still under full Israeli control.

Then there is also the manner in which Israel pulled out from the Sanour area in Jenin yesterday. With utter disregard for the PNA, the Israelis chose not to even inform their Palestinian counterparts of the evacuation, thereby adding insult to injury.

The Israeli cabinet’s arrogance and destructive policies do not stop there. The State of Israel is still building its Wall of Annexation and Segregation with full force. As it is being built, it is slowly but surely strangulating the Palestinian people as a whole.

So what does PM Sharon really want from Palestinians? Does he demand that they be grateful for his “Unilateral Disengagement”? Does he want Palestinian factions to be disarmed? Perhaps – and this is the more likely option – he wishes to interfere and destroy their everyday lives.

The fact of the matter remains that PM Sharon, the army general who committed the atrocities of Sabra and Shatila, cannot possibly wish anything good for Palestinians. He might have delivered a message of peace to the UN, which – it should be said – was busy dealing with its own reform issues at the time. However, these words are but a token gesture, especially from a man, and a state apparatus, that is very rarely held accountable for its heinous past. Sharon’s deeds on the ground are not too far from the full implementation of a diabolical plan to leave Palestinians with a dysfunctional, moth-eaten mini-state.

At this crucial time, MIFTAH calls for two vital things: first, increased vigilance and pressure by the international community on Israel to abide by all its commitments as stipulated in the “Road Map”, and second, international political assistance for the PNA and President Abbas, not just financial help.

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