Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

It has been 21 days since Israeli forces reoccupation of most of the West Bank cities and towns, placing more than one million Palestinian civilians under military curfew. This imposed curfew seems to be enforced upon Palestinians about the same time Bush is placing the burden on the captives in his shortsighted vision recited on June 25th. The Palestinians are being hit hard on one hand, unreasonable demands have been asked of them, which they cannot accomplish while under constant curfew. On the other hand, their life is deteriorating before their eyes and hope is quickly evaporating.

In the past three weeks the number of Palestinians killed during Israel's latest invasion has reached 50, half of which are women and children. There have been 12 children under the age of 12 murdered by Israeli fire. The number of Palestinian civilians injured is close to 200 in just the last three weeks, most of them injured while in their homes under curfew. There have been a number of incidents where the Israeli army would send mixed messages regarding the lifting of the curfew and use civilians for target practice as they stock up on goods, again killing innocent civilians. Thousands have been arrested without due process or proper trial, being denied basic rights guaranteed in accordance to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Palestinians have been denied basic human rights in more than one area. Palestinian high school students have not been able to take their Tawjihi exams, which are essential to graduate from high school. As for Palestinian attempts to coordinate with the Israeli side for students to take this important exam, they were sometimes granted permission, only to find soldiers showing up at exam halls and arresting teenage students. University students who have been living away from their homes, since it is difficult to travel back and forth, are now trapped in their little college towns. They are increasingly running out of money and food, while being cut off from their families and hometowns. Meanwhile the universities are closed, the roads leading to colleges are blocked off and the surrounding towns are under military curfew.

Palestinians living in the West Bank have not been able to work or bring in any income over the past 21 days. The unemployment rate prior to the curfew was at 65% in the West Bank, due to closure and occupation. Now since there is a curfew imposed and jobs have been halted, Palestinian communities are being systematically starved while being denied access to work, education, even water and electricity in many areas. Travel abroad is denied, including for people with medical needs. It is difficult to get permission to travel when one is a refugee with no rights, countries are increasingly growing unreceptive of Palestinians for fear of immigrants flooding states that are willing to host them.

This difficult time does not seem to be coming to an end in the near future. Israeli soldiers are still in the West Bank and it is becoming more of a routine for a million Palestinians to live under military curfew. In the end the Palestinian Authority is being held accountable along with the locked up Palestinians. The world is placing the burden on an oppressed defenseless people living under occupation and somehow it is justified in the name of security for Israel, self-defense and the war on terror.

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