Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

As the continual Israeli attacks on Gaza demonstrates it once more, no real peace can see the light under Sharon's watch, or under the watch of any of the leaders of the Israeli expansionist establishment.

This means that the first step for any solution, be it that of one or two-states solution, must be the toppling of the Israeli expansionist establishment.

How can the toppling of the expansionist leadership come about? There are only three hypothetical means.

1) To defeat the Israeli armed forces. The victorious anti-Israeli armies would then be in position to topple the expansionist establishment.

2) To exert so much pressure on the Israeli people that they would topple their Zionist establishment.

3) To implement a strategy based on reducing the distance separating the two peoples, Palestinian and Israeli, so as to get the Israeli people rid of its fears, and topple the expansionist establishment.

Few give credence to the first hypothesis, that of defeating the Israeli army on the battlefield. In view of the obvious improbability of a military victory over Israel, we should not give more time to that hypothesis.

The second hypothesis, that of exerting pressure, has been tried with armed resistance and economical boycotts. It has not worked. The US is not prepared to exert too much pressure on Israel. The Europeans still feeling guilt for their past and present anti-Semitism, are not prepared to exert too much pressure on Israel. The latter has successfully ignored all the external diplomatic pressures.

As to boycotting Israel, there are no reasons why it should today be more successful than yesterday. The suicide bombings in the Israeli territory proper, have been a god-sent present to Sharon by increasing the distance between the two people. This allowed him to sabotage all peace plans, and to go on building more and more settlements in the West Bank.

The unilateral "disengagement" from Gaza, was very beneficial to the expansionists. It allowed them to build an enormous credit of "peaceful intentions" in the eyes of the world opinion, while allowing them to accelerate the process of colonizing the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Once the disengagement done, Israel has little restraint to inflict strong damage to the Gaza potential for resistance, whatever the cost in civilian deaths. The so often repeated statement by Hamas and other resistance organizations to leave no Israeli crime without appropriate response, is ridiculous when one knows the disproportionate ability of each side to hurt the other.

Remains the third hypothesis, that of a strategy based on lessening the distance between the two people. This raises two questions

a) does the Israeli people fear the Palestinians? WHY?

b) can the distance between the two people be lessened? b) would it bring the expected good results?

Do the Israeli people fear the Palestinians?

I was in Israel in 1967 when the Egyptian radio station broadcasted in Hebrew a message directed to the Israeli people saying in substance the following:

"The time of reckoning has come. The Egyptian army is about to enter in Israel, rape your wives and daughters and throw the Jewish population into the sea."

I heard by myself, in the company of neighbors that stupid and criminal broadcast. It was not at all in line with the policies of Jamal abd el Nasser. But the latter did not know Hebrew. Jamal had been betrayed by a stupid overseer of the radio station.

Few Israelis of today can remember this broadcast. To remember it, they must have been at least 12 years old. They would have had to be now 50 years old, at least. Most of the Israeli population is younger than 50, but they have been raised by parents who had listened to that broadcast. Add to that the fact that there does not exist any Arab democracy, and we can understand the fear that Jews have of the Palestinians. What is more important is that fear plays an essential role for the survival of the Israeli expansionist leadership. This is why they do whatever it takes to increase that distance. The suicide bombings on Israeli territory have played a big role in increasing the distance. That is why, every time there seems to be a lull in the hostilities, Israel has recourse to targeted assassination to provoke the Palestinian resistance organizations into resuming their suicide bombing attacks.

It is a fact that Sharon was quite low in the polls just before the second intifada (less than 5%). Sharon provoked the second intifada by coming walking with soldiers at the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif and proclaim that the place belonged to Israel

Is it possible to diminish the distance between the two peoples?

To answer the question, one should know the cause of the distance between the two peoples. The easiest way is to demonize the other side. It does not request much knowledge, it does not request an effort to find out what is essential for the understanding of the situation but has to be uncovered. Once you decide that the Israelis are evil then the distance not only is great but is becoming greater by this very decision.

This decision, that the Israelis are evil, allow you to justify whatever action you take against them, allows you to avoid determining a correct strategy, because you do not need strategy to combat evil. You combat it in all its aspects, wherever it be. It justifies acts of revenge and dancing when an Israeli suffers. It justifies burning the building which was once a Jewish synagogue. In short it justifies an absence of consideration for what is best to bring closer the day of the satisfaction of the Palestinian aspirations.

I happen to think that compared to what the Israelis have done during long years, burning the building that had been a Jewish synagogue is "small change". But it is obvious that such an act does not bring closer the day of the satisfaction of the Palestinian aspirations. If so, why do it? Had the Palestinian leaders who were on the spot, be they from Hamas or any other organization, told the masses: "There is nothing to gain from destroying the building. We could put the building to good use, for a school for instance. We can put a plaque in one of its corners saying: 'this has once been a synagogue used by settlers who illegally took pieces of our land. Any Jew who would visit this place as a friend, with no evil attention, is welcome to pray and meditate in this place.' It would be a tremendous lesson to all the world and would increase the world's respect for our struggle, thus bringing so ever slightly closer the day of the satisfaction of our aspirations" Had a leader of Hamas said that, it would not have constituted a concession to the Israelis, it would have been a lesson to the world. Hamas has missed that opportunity. It has missed that opportunity because it is motivated by hatred and demonization and not by a correct understanding of the interests of the Palestinian people. Hatred blinds.

By the Same Author
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