Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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Is it possible to diminish the distance between the two peoples?

In part 1, I commented on the destruction of what had been (but was no longer) a Jewish synagogue. It is clear that this destruction was a gratuitous act which is not useful to the Palestinian cause. It has certainly not contributed to lessening the distance between the Palestinian and the Israeli people.

I do agree that the Palestinians have the right to resist with whatever means which help their cause. It is my contention that this must be done in a way that delivers the message that the struggle is directed against the occupation and not against the Israeli people. It must be made in a way which increases the Israeli feeling of insecurity with respect to occupation, in a way which makes it explicit that the struggle is in the interests of the two peoples, which is indeed true.

But this is not what the resistance organizations have been doing. It is disingenuous to state that the distance between the two peoples cannot be reduced when in fact efforts have been made from the Palestinian side too to increase the distance.

I do agree that, in all fairness, it is the Israeli that should work most to diminish the distance between the two peoples. Ideally, it is not the victim that should make efforts to enter in the good grace of the oppressor. It is the oppressor who has to endeavor to have the victim forgive him

But what if it would take 200 years waiting for that, and what if there is an alternative which will take much less time? Should we not consider the alternative?

Almost half a million Israelis took to the streets to protest against Sharon when they heard about the massacres of Sabra and Shatila. It may be said it was too long ago and, since then, the Israeli people has changed. Did the Israeli people change, or have we not do what could have been done to keep the Israeli people disgusted with Sharon?

Let us consider a more recent event which occurred in 2002. At the time, the Kibbutz Metzer expressed the opinion that it was not fair to build the WALL on the land of their Palestinian neighbors. It would result in separating their Palestinian neighbors from their fields, the source of their livelihood. Now, the attitude of the Kibbutz was not that of a single Israeli. It is an Israeli community that was prepared to lose land rather than witnessing an injustice against their Palestinian neighbors. It is important to notice that there were no contacts between the members of the Kibbutz and the Palestinians Their lands were separated by a barrier which was on the green line. No one was motivated to cross that barrier in one direction or another. However, under the pressure of the events, the two sides started to meet at the barrier. The human distance between them shortened and resulted in the humane stand of the Kibbutz. This was in October 2002. In November 2002, occurred a terrorist attack against the Kibbutz Metzer. There were 8 victims, 5 deaths and three injured.

The Palestinians had nothing to gain from this attack. The sharonites exploited the event. Still, there is no proof justifying an accusation against the Israeli authorities. What is certain is that just when Israeli and Palestinians were getting closer there, the terrorist attack increased the distance. This would not have occurred, had the Palestinian authorities organized powerful demonstrations against the terrorist attack. One more occasion to prevent an increase of distance has there been missed.

The distance between the two peoples has lasted a long time. It is not realistic to expect to reduce that distance to zero in a short time. But we can hope that the distance will diminish fast when we will start applying a wise strategy. After the strategy will be applied for some time, we will reap the results. Then we will go on applying the strategy on an improved situation, and additional results will be achieved. This means that we cannot get it all in one step. There has to be stages, and the first stage is to alienate the Israeli people from its expansionist leadership.

This is an exceeding difficult task. Still it is possible to achieve it. But in order to implement the step with success, we need to clearly define the step, to accept an alliance with ALL those who are ready to work for making the step an achieved reality.

Possibly the first step would be the total evacuation by the Israelis of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. By total I mean that the resulting Palestinian state would have sovereignty over its borders over its sky and over the coastline. As to the settlements they can remain on a number of conditions:

a) They recognize the authority and legitimacy of the Palestinian state

b) they accept to receive a quota of electricity and water per individual, equal to that of the quota received by a Palestinian.

c) they accept to be disarmed

d) they recognize that they cannot build new houses nor enlarge the actual houses without a permit from the proper Palestinian authorities

e) they recognize that the Palestinian judicial authorities are to settle difference between settlers and between a settler and a Palestinian laws

f) they recognize that the destruction of a building without proper Palestinian authorization is an infringement upon the law and will be handled according to the Palestinian laws..

At the same time, once the settlers accept the conditions, they become protected by the Palestinian laws.

The expansionist are against this first step. However, if we know how to proceed we can have a cleavage on that subject between the Israeli people who are more interested in peace than in expansion, and the expansionists.

Once more implementing this first stage is very difficult. What could be our allies FOR THAT STAGE? I suggest that all the Israeli peace movements, even those who stand against the return of the refugees, should be our allies. People like Ouri Abneri and rabbi Lerner, should be welcomed as allies. Anyone agreeing on the aims of the first stage as defined earlier is a welcome ally of us.

If we want to be picky and to add conditions that will leave us isolated, we will never succeed in anything. Now is the time to stress convergence as to the evacuation of the West Bank, the Gaza strip, and the dismantling of the Jewish settlements on these territories. Once the aim is achieved, it will be time to define next step in such a way that we would not be isolated. We have to work on the Israeli public opinion in such a way that the new step will be acceptable for most of the Israelis. If we know how to proceed everything will become possible.

or specific details refer to http://cleibovi.shawbiz.ca/justpeace/stumbl.html

Since we cannot and should not impose a solution on the Israeli people, we have to make them lose their blinders and realise that since the two peoples need security, long term peace and prosperity, they should be allies, and can be allies if we follow the correct strategy (see previous reference)

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