Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

It seems that another day is passing, but it is not just another day if you are a Palestinian in the West Bank and Gaza, it is day 667 since Sharon's incursion to the Al-Aqsa Mosque with his "message of peace" ignited the violence that continues to rage on. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the 23rd month of the Intifida, and many of us wonder what it will bring. Will Israel continue to use excessive force against Palestinian civilians, assassinate Palestinian political activists, raze houses, cut off water and electricity, restrict Palestinian movement and humiliate Palestinian civilians at checkpoints under the guise of 'security' for Israel? Is this even a question that needs to be answered? We all know, especially you the victims, Israel's blood wrenched record.

Reflecting back on the past 23 months, thinking of the many Palestinians who have been slaughtered by the Israeli military. There have been so many of you, over 1675 Palestinians who's lives have been brutally stolen and curtailed by the sadistic machine known as the Israeli military; Palestinian women, children, teenagers, men, and even the elderly are not safe from Israeli gunfire. With every death so much pain is left behind; as each of your lives was lost, you left behind mourning fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other grieving loved ones. Yusef Abu Aziz is one of many left behind, he is the bereaved father of two sons, Ahmed, a six-year-old, and Jamil, a thirteen-year-old. Riding their bikes with candy in their hands, Ahmed and Jamil, on their way home, would never reach their destination, as they were senselessly murdered by Israeli tank fire.

The Israeli government and the international community like to collectively brand all of you as one, but to every Palestinian, each of you is an individual with a story that will be remembered. Every one of your deaths has shown us that we are not safe from the Israeli occupation in its horror, its violence and its brutality. As American F-16 fire at our homes in Tulkarem, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Qalqilya, and Gaza raining death and destruction indiscriminately on our people each of you is remembered.

None of your deaths have been in vain; the struggle to resist the brutal Israeli occupation of our land, people, and souls will continue. Palestinians will not silently ignore the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. Justice must be met; Israel must acknowledge the suffering it has inflicted on the Palestinians, and most urgently, Israel must stop the ongoing brutality against an unarmed Palestinian civilian population. Until this is fulfilled, we, Palestinians, will not rest. Our souls are full of heartache, torment, sadness and pain, and our shoulders are laden with the burden your deaths have left. Your vision of a Palestinian state, a safe-haven for your families, will be achieved and each of you will have a place in its history.

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14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

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