Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli settlements have been a “major obstacle” putting off any hope for peace or a final agreement in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Settlements are illegal in accordance to international law (Fourth Geneva Convention), as they are built on occupied land. They have become a popular haven for Israeli extremists, who are encouraged to populate the illegal settlements in order to weaken Palestinian ties to the land occupied in 1967. The increase in settlement population has been exceptionally high, averaging 8.3% growth rate, a figure, which is fourfold the number of Israel’s natural growth. The number of Israeli settlers is over 200,000 in the West Bank (not including east Jerusalem) and they have been responsible for the killing and injuring of hundreds of Palestinians.

The current Israeli government makes it cheaper and easier on settlers to live in settlements, offering them many services and benefits including tax exemptions. A settler living in Netzrim settlement in Gaza, with a population of approximately 290, costs Israel 8 times the amount of money spent on its citizens in Israel proper making it immensely expensive to maintain these settlements. There are different terrorist settler cells living on occupied Palestinian land being protected and encouraged by Israel. An Israeli group claimed responsibility for the murder of 8 Palestinian civilians back in May 2001, the group called upon Jews to take part in organized terror action in a statement released: "In the actions of our fighters ... eight Arabs were killed and many wounded, Jews who are fed up have risen and decided to get revenge against the Arab enemy." Only two days later, Israeli settlers were caught planting bombs in a Palestinian hospital. Two bombs have been planted in Palestinian schools, one of which detonated and injured dozens of Palestinian children.

Settlers have been linked to attacks against Palestinian homes and villages, as they wreak havoc by uprooting trees, damaging homes, schools, stores and vehicles as well as contaminating wells while cutting off water resources. Moreover, these terror groups have been involved in burning down crops, which thousands of Palestinians are dependent upon for survival, preventing firemen from putting out the fire and severely beating the firemen who had to be hospitalized. In the past two days, Israeli settlers, operating under the protection of Israeli soldiers, attacked Hebron and Nablus in the West Bank killing a 14-year-old girl and wounding dozens most of whom were children. The attacks also target UN personnel, Red Cross employees and many journalists who are left under the mercy of angry settlers attacking anyone they encounter, as they believe they are superior and everyone who disagrees is ‘anti-Semitic.’ The settlers who planted the bombs in Palestinian schools were detained for a few days then set free; only one stood trial. As for the ‘protected’ attackers in Nablus and Hebron, they were free to go after blowing off some steam.

A recent poll showed that 16% of settlers living on privately owned Palestinian land would rather die before evacuating settlements that they believe God gives to the Jews. These settlers often chant “Death to Arabs” and they consider any peacemaker a traitor, including former Prime Minister Rabin, who was murdered for ‘almost’ making peace. These extremists are driven by a fanatical ideology and are willing to die and kill in the name of God. Sharon has always gone out of his way to accommodate the settlers for they truly serve his agenda of wiping out Palestinians. Lacking a political solution and a will to make peace, Sharon empowers settlers to terrorize Palestinians and assure that the violence continues. Sharon has strongly opposed any dismantling of settlements, a long standing international and American request, he further declared that Netzrim is as important, in his eyes, as Tel Aviv. Surrounding himself with an extremist government that is driven by a racist and supremacist ideology, Sharon has willingly taken up their agenda to furthering his political ambitions.

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