Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

There are two essential ways to consider the path we are going along. In the first way, we start from the actual situation and we do steps which are not, each one, directed to a definite goal. We just hope that, if we do our best at each step, we will necessary reach the best destination which is not predictable today.

It may seem that to do your best at each step is commendable. I do not think so. Unless we know were we can and want to go, we cannot define at any given moment "what is the best step". The question is therefore to decide where we can and want to go.

The second way starts with considering what is best for the Palestinian people, is within their right to get it, and is not obviously in the realm of the impossible. In this category I put the One State Solution. With this solution the aim is a one democratic and secular state for all its inhabitants, be they Jews, muslims or christians.

We now have the start, the situation today, and the destination, the one secular and democratic state. But then, what lies in between? Defiining the intermediate steps is very difficult because it depends on two many factors on which we have little control. I suggest, as a very useful exercise, to consider the way in reverse time. We start with the first day of existence of the one state solution. Then, in time reverse way, ask ourselves to tell what was the situation The Day Before? What was TDB? Do you know anyone who knows?

Who was ruling Israel TDB? Was it Sharon or one of his likes? Was TDB the day of a defeat of the Israeli army and the victory of a coalition that beat the Israeli expansionist establishment, freed the occupation territories and allowed to proclaim next day the One secular and democratic Single State? Is it not a very ficitonal scenario?

Was TDB a day in which the expansionist establishment repented for its sins? Was TDB that in which the Israeli people toppled the expansionist establishment? But then how is it possible that, at that moment, the Israeli people would have brought to power the OSS party instead of a TSS party? It is possible to conceive that the Israeli people would want Israel to end the occupation and, at this point, would prefer a OSS, and would trust it will be enough secular and enough democratic even with a Palestinian majority, while having the power to impose TSS instead? I don't think so. Do you? Can you replace the interrogation points in the following boxes? In time reversal, commencing with the destination and arriving to the start, we can have:

One state solution  The day before? ?? Today

If you can't, would you consider the following?

One state solution 20000th day of TSS Period of 5 years of TSS Today

Now let us read my scenario in the normal time flow. From today we go to TSS. This implies that the expansionist establishment would have been toppled, otherwise the TSS would be just a joke. However, the only force capable of toppling the expansionist establishment is the Israeli people. To have the Israeli people topple the Israeli establishment, we must be able to introduce a wedge between the Israeli expansionist establishment and the Israeli people. This can be done by supporting the Geneva accord and mobilizing the Israeli and international public opiinon for it. The expansionist Israeli establishment would then be totally isolated. It would lead to the fall of that establishment and the coming to power of a totally different kind of Israeli government, one that supports the Geneva accord. At this point, with the implementation of the Geneva accord, a great step forward would have been accomplished. That step is full of flaws. The flaws will have to be corrected. It can by using the following strategy. Palestine adopts and implements the most secular and democratic constitution. With the formation of friendly relations between the two people, with any Israeli settling in Palestine, or passing by, feeling at home there, with the recongition that the Palestinian have implemented most democratic institutions, the fear of the Israelis of ROR will dissipate. Then the way will be open to consider a OSS. Strangely enough, at that time it will no longer matter.

I let it appear as if it is that simple. Foir a more detailed strategy, please refer to http://cleibovi.shawbiz.ca/justpeace/stumbl.html 



By the Same Author
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