Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Wiping out terrorism appears at face value to be a worthy and noble cause. Following 9/11, America as the world's only superpower and direct victim embarked on avenging the atrocities of that fateful day as well as making the world a safer place. Sadly though, America's "war against international terrorism" seems to be providing a disguise that would allow the reorganization of countries that don't share the same views as the Bush administration and allow the settling of old scores. Time appears to be of the essence, as Bush must accomplish all this before the world and more importantly the American public realize the true nature of the war America is waging.

Before the US administration finishes what it started in Afghanistan, it is already planning to Bomb Iraq, topple Saddam Hussein's regime and set up a puppet government that will adhere to America's every desire. Of course, this is despite the fact that America's allies are not convinced there is a clear danger of Iraq attacking its neighbors or using weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, the death of thousands of innocent civilians that an attack on Iraq would create seems to be a petty consideration, as settling an old score appears to override such obstacles.

Recently, King Abdullah of Jordan warned that an attack on Iraq would open a Pandora's box, while the Middle East remains destabilized by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These words or caution seem to have evaded the Bush administration as they have continued to unravel Pandora's box by upsetting its allies Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well as threatening Syria, Iran and Yemen.

The Bush Administration has strained its relations with Egypt as it publicly opposed any increase in aid to President Mubarak's government because of a jail sentence passed on an Egyptian democracy campaigner who also holds American citizenship. In the case of Saudi Arabia, the American right has been extremely vocal in criticizing the country as an undemocratic breeding ground of Islamic terrorism, and calling for the US to treat it as an enemy rather than a friend. A Pentagon advisory board has recommended that the Arab ally be given an ultimatum to stop supporting terrorism or face retaliation.

Bush has said Iran, North Korea, Iraq and their "terrorist allies" constitute an "axis of evil". Furthermore a group of US senators are pushing for a new regime in Iran. This does not make it a long shot that toppling Iran remains a high priority for America. As for Syria, leading US military experts told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Syria serves as a key conduit for the smuggling of weapons and components of military platforms to Baghdad. It is also accused of having weapons of mass destruction and held to be an enemy to the US. Finally, Yemen remains a target for the US as it is the Osama Bin Laden's ancestral home, and the US believes that his men are hiding in the area.

Potentially, the US would not only like to attack Iraq, but, also, Iran, Syria and Yemen as well as teach Egypt and Saudi Arabia a lesson. In effect it wants to control the Middle East, by removing all those who disagree with the US and set up puppet regimes that would be at the American government's beck and call. This, Ironically, America claims its actions are garnered towards strengthening and establishing democracy and all the noble values inherent within this ideology. Yet the way in which the US is going about achieving these goals seems to fly right in the face of everything that democracy is meant to symbolize. America is simply dictating to the Arab world how they will run their countries, should the leaders oppose the plans America has planned for them they will be forcefully removed. Arab countries, it seems are not even allowed to imprison a person their legal justice system finds guilty if the US views him to be innocent, unless they are willing to risk the wrath of President Bush and his seemingly vigilante administration.

All the wile, America's own democracy seems to be eroding. Reports of America's war crimes in Afghanistan are surfacing, as horrific stories, for example of stuffing and sealing 960 captured Taliban fighters in metal containers leading them to die of asphyxiation, come to light. Human Rights groups estimate that between 1500 - 8000 innocent Afghanis have died as a result of America's attack. Despite all the powers Congress has given bush to wage his war against terrorism, he still stated:

"A time of war is the wrong time to weaken the president's ability to protect the American public."

Bush is seeking "dictatorial powers", as recently commented by Tom Daschle, the Democrats' leader in the Senate, while claiming to be ridding the world of such leaders. However, if a country or a leader wants to escape American fury, they neither have to route out terrorism nor do they have to adopt democracy, they simply need to obey the dictates of the Bush administration. Case in point, General Musharraf, who has granted himself broad powers and has single-handedly amended the constitution of Pakistan to continue his dictatorial regime, remains a strong ally of America because of his strategic use in the war against Afghanistan.

Israel continues to conduct state terrorism and infringe every human right, as it occupies the Palestinians, yet it receives America's full support because it is becoming the only ally America has in the Middle East. Thus, as a result of Israel's strategic value, America is willing to look the other way as an entire population is oppressed. Furthermore, America has helped Israel to sell the world a lie that has the Palestinians singled out as the "terrorists" and the Israelis as simply the victims who are trying to protect themselves. America is entering a dark chapter in its history tainted in hypocrisy and a double standard.

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