Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Dr. Isam Sartawi was a moderate member of the PLO. He was assassinated in Portugal in 1983. Ytzhak Shamir, the then Israeli minister for foreign affairs, in an interview with Time Magazine, was asked if he was sad at the death of a moderate PLO member. He answered that he was not sad at all, quite the contrary. Israel, said Shamir, is not afraid of the extremists. No country in the world would pressure Israel into negotiating with them. He added that the dangerous people are the moderate Palestinians. There is pressure on Israel to negotiate with them, and peace is not in the interest of Israel.

I do not say that Hamas is extremist, but I do say that Hamas is perceived as being so. That in itself is enough for the Israeli expansionists to be happy at the electoral victory of Hamas. Their task is then much easier.

There have often been periods of calm, when armed hostilities and suicide bombings had ceased for a while. During these times, the Israeli expansionists provoked Hamas to resume the hostilities. The provocation was often caused by the targeting of Hamas leaders for assassination.

Israel is now demanding that Hamas recognize the state of Israel. Indeed, the Israeli expansionists would prefer that Hamas abstain from that. It is enough to consider the past when the PLO refused for long years to recognize the existence of Israel. When the PLO finally did recognize Israel, Israel refused to 'recognize' that recognition. They tried for some time to convince the Israeli people that the recognition was not a valid one. The Israel expansionists did and still do not want the expression of a moderate policy by Palestinian popular leaders.

Today, the international community supports Israel and concentrates on the extremist aspects of Hamas' charter or in the vows of the martyrs.

The recognition of Israel in its pre-1967 borders would be a severe blow to the Israeli expansionists. We saw that in the last 50 years they were afraid of the moderates, not of the "extremists". The expansionists deal with the Palestinian "extremists" using military power. However, they feel powerless with popular Palestinian moderates. Mahmoud Abbas was a moderate, but not a popular one. The Palestinian people want a moderate who will not give up Palestinian rights, who will recognize Israel within its pre-1967 borders, and who will pursue a strategy to ensure the right of return of refugees, if not immediately, then within a foreseeable future.

The Palestinians have suffered for too long. By fulfilling the Israeli expansionists' dreams, Hamas will prolong the suffering of the Palestinian people, isolating Palestine from the international community and facilitating the building of new Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Hamas has other options, but the Palestinian people are entitled to know what course Hamas intends to take.

Recently, snippets of news indicated that Hamas might be preparing to recognize Israel, provided that the latter evacuates the territories it conquered and occupied in 1967. Israel is not ready to respond positively because it suits them at the moment to demand recognition from Hamas, all the while banking on their refusal to do. Instead, Hamas should call Israel's bluff and recognize the state within its pre-1967 boundaries, leaving the ball in Israel's court. Israel would no longer be in a position to hide behind the pretense that Hamas does not recognize its existence. Indeed, if Hamas took on this initiative, it would certainly leave Israel in a difficult position.

By the Same Author
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