Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) calls on the United Nations and the International Community to immediately intervene to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupational forces (IOF) on Palestinian civilians and their properties in the Gaza Strip, mainly in the northern town of Beit Hanoun, which for the fourth day is under Israeli siege and attacks from tanks and air strikes. As of last Wednesday morning at least 42 people have been killed and another 175 injured, most of these were children, women, journalists and medical aid workers. Israeli occupational forces have destroyed many houses and bulldozed a wide track of cultivated land.

Tens of thousands of people living in Beit Hanoun town suffering from lack food and medical services due to the siege and curfew imposed by the IOF on the town. In addition, the IOF are denying the sick and injured access to medical treatment.

Yesterday IOF attacked a peaceful women’s march to condemn Israeli aggression and end the siege of Beit Hanoun. Two women were killed and ten more were injured. The IOF attacked historical buildings, Mosques, NGO offices and private homes and continues to violate international agreements and conventions.

The International Community has maintained a silence in the face of disproportionate Israeli aggression in the form of daily attacks and crimes.

PNGO is a coordinating body for more than 100 NGOs calls on the International Community to urgently to protect Palestinian civilians and pressure the Israeli occupation Government to stop its aggression on Palestinian people and end the siege.

Continued Israeli aggression will lead to a health and humanitarian catastrophe in Beit Hanoun, PNGO believes that condemnation of the Israeli violations is not sufficient, and demands effective pressure on Israel to ensure respect for international law and treaties, including the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War.

PNGO calls on the International Community and legal and humanitarian organizations to bring Israeli perpetrators to international justice

PNGO also calls on the international NGOs to intensify thier efforts to pressure governments to work on ending the Israeli escalation of aggression on Palestinian civilians. End Palestinian NGOs Network “PNGO”

For more information please call :

PNGO Gaza office :
Tel : 00972 8 2847518
Fax : 00972 8 2835889
mobile : 00972 599401297
Email: pngo@palnet.com

PNGO Ramallah office :
Tel : 00972 2 2975320/1
Fax :009722 2950704
Email: pngonet@pngo.net
Website : www.pngo.net

By the Same Author
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