Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

In a week of debate over red and white poppies, ending in the dedication of a new war memorial in London to the New Zealanders who paid the ultimate price. Followed by a weekend of two imposed 2 minute silences on Britain's listening, viewing and shopping public you could be forgiven for thinking that the halting of carnage amongst mankind has become civilisation's number 1 priority.

Even Tony Blair was stating that the rest of his time in office will be dedicated to bringing peace to the Middle East. So when the UN Security Council, on Saturday, considered a motion from Qatar condemning the recent slaughter of the innocents, of families who went to bed trying to gain some respite from a world which seems intent on terrorising them, of bringing them to the brink of starvation, what happens?

The USA exercises its veto and Tony Blair instructs his UN representative to abstain from a motion which also demanded the removal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip

For the many, many Palestinian men, women and children now dead at the hands of the occupier not only is their memory erased from the collective conscience of the world, they are dispensable and forgettable it would seem. No poppies or memorial for them.

Scottish Friends of Palestine can already anticipate the argument of Tony Blair et al. Diplomacy must prevail, we must remain friends with an Israel which will not cooperate with those it deems to be biased. This argument has been long demolished. The state of Israel does exactly what it wants because it gets away with it. Any other state which killed mothers and children as they slept, or as they played and relaxed on the beach would have long been designated a pariah state with appropriate sanctions imposed. Not so for Israel.

The time for an economic boycott of the state of Israel is long overdue.

Scottish Friends of Palestine is a firm advocate of the total boycott of all Israeli institutions, academic and cultural bodies and Israeli products - until as such times that the Israeli state ceases to boycott the rights of the Palestinian people, and international law as it pertains to the Palestinian people.

Hugh Humphries

Scottish Friends of Palestine
(0141 637 8046)

Scottish Friends of Palestine was formed in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the subsequent attacks on the Palestinian refugee communities. It is an independent organisation with no political or religious affiliations. SFoP supports the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty and the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. These rights have all been acknowledged by the United Nations.

SFoP campaigns for immediate and unconditional Israeli withdrawal from all territories illegally occupied, including East Jerusalem. We work for educational, social and cultural links between the Scottish and Palestinian peoples.

End of Press

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